OMG my child is actually asleep, in his crib, in the middle of the day and has been now for almost 2 hours! He's growing up, I'm so proud of him. After all the times I complained about having to hold him to nap now that I've put him down I'm kind of sad that I'm not holding him and at a loss of what to do with 2 hands free.
Fall has officially arrived and the weather has changed a little but its really alot to any Texan who has made it through this past summer we had. It was 57 degrees when we took the dogs out to potty this morning and when we got back in Ty's little nose was red, so cute.
We spent the morning watching the news because there were 2 supposed gunmen on the loose at UT. Auntie Em was stuck there on lock down in her classroom for 3 hours! SHe mad eit out safely though as the 1 gunman only wanted to take his own life and wanted to do it in a grand way. So sad and annoying.
There's not too much going on with Ty. He's getting huge. Not so much fat but so tall and way heavier. He also gets cuter everyday. He had a conversation with me this morning and the raising of the eye brows, the furrowing of the brow and the different tones of his voice are so freaking cute! He is just turning into a little person.
He is an excellent baby. Very sweet and quite most the time (as long as we're not in the car). He just takes everything in, he's so observant. He can sit almost completely by himself now and he will flip on his belly and raise up like he's going to take off crawling. He loves playing with his toys his favorite one right now is sophie the giraffe. (ok back to typing with one hand, he just woke up)
Ty loves to swing and my mom just bought him one for her house. So far everytime we've put him in it he has promptly fallen asleep. I take him to the park swings about 3 times a week too.
Its football season and from what I can tell Ty enjoys watching it (no he doesn't actually watch it but will occassionally glance at the tv when its on) and he loves da bears who by the way are surprisingly good so far this year. Of course he likes the longhorns too but they're not very good this year and not very exciting to watch.