In a world that is dedicated to making only cute girl clothes I am on a crusade to prove that there are cute boys clothes out there that aren't just sports related, you just have to look a little bit harder. This blog will showcase all my cute outfits that I find and put together for my son for cheap.
I get told constantly that Ty has the best sense of style and while this makes me laugh (hello who buys his clothes and dresses him everyday, its not him) I am so flattered to know that what once was my obsession with always being the best dressed (I won best dressed from 1st-12th grade) has been passed on to my son.
I married my best friend in 2008 after 8 years of dating then we had our super cute son Tyson (aka Ty) May 21, 2010. I was born and raised in Austin, TX and went to school for 10 years at THE University of Texas at Austin. I am a Longhorn, I bleed orange. I have degrees in English and Chemistry and minors in every subject you can imagine (what can I say I loved being in college, the loans I now have to pay back not so much)

I am a stay at home mom. My husband is a construction superintendent. He is such a hard worker and allows me to stay at home with our son and I love him so much for that. I never planned on having kids, never really wanted them but when I had Ty I realized I was born to be a mom. I absolutely love it and if I were rich I'd have 5 more.
I am a stay at home mom. My husband is a construction superintendent. He is such a hard worker and allows me to stay at home with our son and I love him so much for that. I never planned on having kids, never really wanted them but when I had Ty I realized I was born to be a mom. I absolutely love it and if I were rich I'd have 5 more.

We move about every 6 months. Our home base is in Austin but ever since we had Ty we have left our home there and move to a different state wherever his job may be. I get a lot of mixed reactions about this lifestyle; some are jealous some just can't fathom how I do it. I personally wouldn't have it any other way. I get to experience and live all kinds of different states and lifestyles and its not just like I go on vacation and visit for a couple of days I get to immerse myself in the day to day of all kinds of different lifestyles and I love it. I love that my son gets to experience it too. He is more well traveled then most adults (so are my dogs though).