Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Potty Training

Yesterday was the 1st official day of Ty's potty training. He's been going on the toilet since he was about 17 months old but mainly at night before bath or if he happened to tel me during the day. Since I was at school all summer, I didn't have the consecutive days that I would need to fully train him all at once. I'm done with school and his summer session for his preschool is over until next Thursday. So that gives me a week and a half to get this donezo. The first day did not go as well as I had intended, I thought it would be a lot easier but Ty just wasn't having it. Refused to even go on the potty at all until I showed him I had a big ol bag of prizes for him to choose from. Then he had no problem sitting on the toilet every time his potty watch went off. What's a potty watch you say? This is a potty watch

Every 30 minutes it plays a little ditty and lights up to remind Ty (and mama) that its time to sit on the toilet and try to go. He wore it all day yesterday but we didn't really abide by it. Today mama wore it and we've been going every 30 minutes and we've yet to have an accident. He also squeezes a little wee out every single time now so he can pick out a little toy. Good thing I found a  bunch of cheap toys at Walmart yesterday in their dollar section. I'm already running low and may have to make a trip to the dollar general. He actually has been telling me when he needs to go  today and is just doing awesome! There was one slip up I guess. I took the dogs out to the backyard to pee and Ty ran out there with them and peed in the yard too. He remembered to pull his undies down before he went so I guess it wasn't technically an accident and while I don't condone little boys peeing in the yard, I was told by a friend, for men the outdoors are our urinal. I tend to believe that statement because every guy friend I've ever had and my husband have absolutely no problem peeing outside. What we also started today was mommy school. We are learning a new letter everyday. Today was A. We read books, he made some apple trees and painted and colored and we did a pocket chart with flashcards and the coordinating worksheet (its nice having a mom that's a teacher) he officially knows the letter A, the sound it makes and all kinds of words that start with it. I  think the super structured day is also helping with the potty training. We are sticking to a strict schedule and its working! Anyway here are some pictures from yesterday and today. I've also got a couple of videos that I need to upload from my phone of Ty singing happy birthday to me and his ABCs so stay tuned...
This is Ty with his 1st potty prize. He loves Playdough so much so  needless to say he was very excited! This was by far the biggest and best of the potty prizes, I'm not a millionaire. It was just the 1st one to get him excited and to give us something to play with while having to be stuck at home all day. 

And here we are today working on A related crafts and games and lessons. As you can see Ty is having a great time. We've had such a good day, so far. 

On a side note I should be back to a regular update schedule of Ty's poor blog so make sure to start checking back again.