Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost 19 Months

Wow I just now realized that Ty is almost 19 months (in 2 days) 19 months?!? How in the hell did that happen? 19 months means that he is now closer to 2 years old then he is to 1. Boo! Time is going way too fast. I know I roll my eyes every time I read in a blog how fast time flies but you truly don't understand it until you have a kid it is going way too fast for my liking and frankly, its irritating me but whatcha gonna do about it? So anyway since we're almost to 19 months I thought I would do a little update post on what he can do now. I should also note that I have yet to write a single thing in his baby book, good thing I have this blog and my cheap little pocket calendar which if I ever lost I would be devastated! I don't have a whole lot of new pictures maybe I will make him take some this afternoon at the park since the weather is so nice. 

Today was the first day to wear the infamous Ugg boots and I must say they are cuter then I ever imagined and surprisingly he really likes them (well not surprising to me because I know how comfortable the stupid things are, they're like walking on a cloud)

The weather here has been so stupid and hard to dress for. This was this morning before we walked the dogs at the park, it was 29 degrees. Now and when he wakes up from his nap it will be almost 70 degrees and we will both require new outfits. So ridiculous! I thought only Texas had stupid weather like this. 
Oh yeah back to Ty's post...
He talks so well now, its like it happened overnight. Used to be only I could understand what he was saying, now everyone can. He speaks clear and pronounces words very well. The coolest thing he's doing is putting strings of words together though in preparation of real sentences. Some of the phrases he says
"dada work"
"dad's truck"
"dada backhoe"
"dada plane vrooom"
"up all done" after he's done eating and wants to get up out of his high chair or in the bath
"play outside"
"brrrr cold"
"Oooh hot"
"moon dark"
He really is quite obsessed with the moon now and loves seeing it and pointing it out. He will also say if he can't see it "moon dark" the little fart knows that its supposed to be dark for the moon to be out. 
I bought him a potty since he started telling me when he was going pee and poop. I haven't officially tried to potty train or anything I'm just introducing it to him and he usually will go peepee at night before his bath and then he'll say "peepee" its so cute sounding when he says it too. 
We have all of Patrick's legos from when he was a kid. Recently I have been letting Ty see them. They're really small but the boy can stack them, he's got great fine motor skills apparently. He was building a tower the other day and one piece was slightly askew making the tower fall over. He went straight for the piece that was wrong and moved it so the tower would balance. 
He's got his 4 molars coming in right now so that makes 12 teeth and they're all so straight and evenly spaced. Especially compared to the yokels here. 
Still sleeps horribly and almost never sleeps in his own bed anymore. I will put him down around 8:30 in his own bed and he will wake up an hour or 2 later. I'm over trying to rock and put him back to sleep all night long so I just bring him to our bed. This is going to be an awful habit to break someday but oh well. I kind of like it you know I get to snuggle and sleep close with my baby who won't be a baby forever and while this practice may lead to never having any more kids, at least I get to say I spent the maximum amount of time with the one I did have. Sometimes I hold him longer then needed at naptime, all scrunched up and warm on my chest and just stare at him. While I know that sounds borderline stalker I still, after 19 months, can't believe that he's mine. And what a perfect child her turned out to  be. 

 And can you believe, this is his first nigh here in Aiken? I can't believe how much he's grown up! Still loves his apples though and his tractors. Ha!

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