Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Time Again For Phone Pictures

The wrapping paper scheme that I went with this year. I usually do black and white and red but I was feeling a bit more festive this year and went with traditional colors. Oh also I should note that this is the first year I've bought gift tags. I always do it ghetto style with a piece of folded over wrapping paper but these were on sale at Hobby Lobby for $1 so I decided to splurge. 

Sorry these pictures are all out of order but whatever. Here's a cute light display I saw before leaving Texas. Gotta love that Texas Pride.

This was the day we were flying back to SC. Ty picked up the phone and said "dada. Airplane. vrrrooom." I thought it was so cute and smart!

 Trying on uncie doug's ray bans.

Ty loves walking around in Home Depot (it must make his dad so proud!) He especially loves the janitor supply aisle.

What kind of phone pic blog would this be without a funny picture of one of our dogs. Oh I should note, Paris kept these glasses on way longer then Ty ever has or would. 

Ty at his first christmas pageant at the local baptist church. He lasted thru about 45 min of it. It was cute but super cheesy. You gotta love a small town, they're so out of touch with trends and the world outside of Aiken.

These are the same beads that little baby Ty would pull off the tree everyday last year and he does again this year too, its so funny he loves those beads. PS thats not an Obama shirt like my husband always says it is, its a breast cancer awareness shirt (just to clear up any confusion)

He is finally smiling again for them camera when I ask him to.   Love it!!

Santa pants diapers I found at Target. So cute!!

Before mom's night out last night. Got home at 10pm, baby was still awake. I did like my outfit though my top was actually purchased for a dress about a year before I got pregnant and I had never worn it. I paired it with jeggings and red bow high heels.

This morning's walk. I took this stroller because it matched Ty's outfit. No, really. 

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