Monday, April 30, 2012

Project 366 Week 17

 April 22- April 28
Doing something a little different I take more then one picture a day on most days and on most days those multiple pictures are all cute so I'm including a couple of the pictures from that day that I liked. Also I just got my internet to work again on my laptop and I am so happy! I can do computer work again while Ty sleeps and can finally get caught up on my blogs and picture posts and Ty's birthday party. Oh disclaimer I just ordered Ty's big boy bed for his bday present from me and Patrick and he's going to love it, its a race car bed. Anyway back to the pictures of the week...

April 22
We went to my storage unit to find our humidifier and Ty stumbled upon my Wizard of Oz Pez collection. He was so entertained loading those things with that nasty chalk tasting candy. We were kicking it back to old school days of pez dispensers. 

April 23- Our weekly (or maybe bi-weekly or hell daily) trip to Target. We were there checking out the new summer hats they got in and I finally got Ty to keep on sunglasses and they were super cute sunglasses at that. He always wears his glasses pushed up on his head like a headband, just like his dad always does. 

April 24- I figured I had better take some pictures to prove that Ty can do the monkey bars. Sometimes the things I say that Ty can do are a little unbelievable for a kid his age and I don't want to be that mom fabricating stories to make my child seem so advanced and smart. I don't have to be that mom because my kid is. Anyhoo here he is going across the bars. He makes it 3 sometimes 4 rungs across before he drops down onto the big mat underneath which I think is actually his favorite part anyway. 

In this picture he actually saw me taking the picture and he stopped and said cheese for me before continuing on his way. 

The kid is a natural born athlete. 

April 25- Me and Ty went to pick up our race packets from Schlotsky's for the Bun Run race we did on Sunday. 

April 26- Riding off into the sunset on his 4-Wheeler. When he rides on it he just shouts "To infinity and beyond" it's a Buzz Lightyear 4-wheeler and you know, that's Buzz's tag line. 

April 27- On our morning walk. 

Ty was running ahead with Payton and his pants fell down because he's so skinny. He stopped and looked back at me and said "mama, oh no" look at Payton she looks so mortified. Shes looking at me like "lady fix your kids pants he is embarrassment to our entire establishment."

Ty and a pretty flower. I think its an Indian Paintbrush. 

April 28- Patrick finally got to come home and visit us and we had such a nice visit. Here he is squirting me with one of Ty's water guns and Ty looking on, laughing. And Patrick wonders why I haven't bought them Nerf guns yet...

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