Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Saturday Before Easter

On Saturday morning we went to the big Easter egg hunt that my church puts on, you know, the one I've been getting Ty ready for all week. We practiced running from egg to egg, picking them up and putting them in the basket. We talked about riding the pony and getting in line early so we wouldn't miss out this year. Isn't it funny how when you have a 2 year old all the planning in the world can go out the door in a matter of seconds? Yes its hilarious. Ty was in the worst mood when we got there (I later figured out it was due to some teething issues) but he was still ready to get the eggs. A little too ready to get the eggs. They were all laid out on the ground but kids weren't supposed to pick them up until given the signal so when my mom went to stop him from cheating and getting all the eggs early, he threw himself down on the ground and started crying. So I thought we could take him over to the ponies. There was no line yet so I figured this would be perfect. Wrong again. He acted terrified of the pony and refused to get on. Now this I found curious as we have 2 large dogs that are nearly the size of ponies and he is always trying to ride them, like a pony. Ty didn't even have any interest in the petting zoo that he loved last year. Oh well, such is life. He did end up getting to get some eggs and his favorite part of the day was getting to ride on the train they had there. I think my church does such a good job with this hunt every year and I really look forward to it. Plus everything is free and you can't beat that. So anyway here are some pictures from the hunt. 
Here we are, the DeWildes. I'm glad Patrick was home to go with us this year. 

Here's Hoss's kid on the pony that Ty was afraid of I still can't believe he wouldn't go on it. 

Here is some egg hunting. 

My usual comparison collage of the year before and this year. He was so sweet and pleasant last year and he had the best time. Look how much he's grown up though. Also I was able to dress him gay for Easter 2 years in a row now. Both years I worked in some seersucker. 

Here he is on the train with Addy. 

Isn't this a cute idea for a train? I want to get it for Ty's Bday party someday when he actually has his friends come instead of just mine because I don't think me and my friends would fit in this. 

One of the things about dyeing the eggs was that Ty kept trying to crack all of them and that is my fault. I let him crack the eggs for me in the mornings if I make scrambled eggs for breakfast. He's gotten quite proficient at it but it was hard for me to explain to him that not all eggs were supposed to be cracked. Enter confetti eggs. Patrick and I picked him some up from Mexicanville HEB that afternoon after his nap and he had so much fun cracking them on everything and everyone in the back yard. 

Of course poor sweet Payton got the brunt of the egg cracking just because she's too sweet to move and disappoint him. 

Even cracked some on his own head. 

And on Emily's foot.

It really was a fun day. I love my family and spending time with them. 

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