Friday, May 18, 2012

Project 366- Week 19

May 6- May 13

May 6- Ty's tomato plant has a ton of tomatoes on it right now. A certain someone likes to pick the green ones off before they are ready so I have told him several times that he can't pick them until they are red. I heard him telling Oma that she couldn't pick them until they were red but then he picked a green one. Do as I say Oma not as I do apparently is Ty's mantra. 
 May 7- My parent's dog Abby wanted to go on our walk today so I walked 3 dogs and pushed a stroller. You should see the looks of admiration I get when I do this. 
 May 8- Ty's bike seat came in today. I can't wait for Patrick to install it and to start going on bike rides with Ty. I really hope he likes it. 

May 9- Had to go get my tire patched today so Ty played on his new leap pad while we waited. Funny story, I'm really good friends with the manager at the NTB we went to, he wasn't working but I texted him and he called his employees and told them to take care of me first. He also told them to try and sell me an air filter because this was the one request I had of Ben, to not try and con me into buying an air filter. It was quite funny how the guys did it though so it was ok. 
May 10- Ty is really entertained by blowing up balloons and then letting them go. Seriously we did this for like an hour the other day and it was just so entertaining

 Later that day at the bike shop getting Patrick's bike fixed so we can put the bike seat on it. They had the coolest set up for little kids bikes. They were mounted on bars so kids could sit on them and pedal them but not go anywhere or fall off. Ty had a really good time. 

May 11- Ty's super cool new bike helmet. I wish I looked this cute in a helmet but alas I do not. 

May 12- Ty LOVES cars now. He plays with Patrick's old ones all the time now, including the 4 General Lee's that Patrick had. Just the good old boys...

May 13- My Tory Burch flip flops came in today. I've wanted these for so long and I love them, they are everything I dreamed of. 

May 14- Picked up Ty's new bed today at Walmart. I didn't know it would be in so many pieces. Its huge put together Patrick is going to love having another huge thing to move around now. 

Same day as bed pick up, Ty playing with the massive lock that is on Patrick's bike. Its a little inside joke that me and Patrick have about that stupid fancy lock and it cracks me up that Ty is so entertained by it. 

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