Friday, May 25, 2012

Two Year Old Update

I finally took Ty to the Dr for a well check. After skipping the 18 month appointment and shots I figured I really needed to go (plus I have to have his up to date shot record for when he starts preschool June 5). So since I know all of his official stats and I just so happen to have a bunch of new pictures from his two year old photo shoot I figured I would make a blog post out it all.

I took Ty to the Dr the day after his birthday, nothing says its not your birthday anymore the party is over like a bunch of needles poked into your thighs right? At least I waited until after his bday they originally tried to schedule me on the 21st. Come on, I'm not Satan.

**On a quick side note, this was the boat that Patrick made for my Where the Wild Things Are themed baby shower. It lives in our storage unit so after I found that Wild Things shirt for Ty I thought the boat would be such a cool prop for pictures. However while it was a good idea in theory Ty really wanted nothing to do with the boat because he's too big for it now and kept getting stuck in it. Oh well at least I got a couple of decent shots in it. 

So anyway back to the Dr visit. They took his weight and pulse and got his height, you know the usual and while they were doing all of this Ty was super sweet and easy to work with. Whatever they needed him to do I would tell him to do it and he did. The nurse said and I quote "I have never had a 2 year come in here that listens so well and is so well behaved." Yep no terrible 2s here (at least not yet but I really don't think he's going to go through them honestly) I've said before its nice to get compliments on Ty's looks and his intelligence but I like the compliments on his behavior the best because while yes a lot of his temperment has to do with his genetics (thank you to his calm, sweet father and my mom) his behavior and willingness to listen to me and do what I say is due to the way Patrick and I are raising him and I do work hard on that. I don't want a brat. He's also super polite now he says please for everything, thank you, you're welcome, bless you after a sneeze and he even covers his mouth and looks the other way when he sneezes. Still just laughs when he burps but so do I, baby steps. 

He is up to 26 pounds and in the 25 percentile now for weight. This is huge because his whole life he's hovered in the 5-10 percentile range. He's a great eater still and not picky at all. He loves meat (just like his dad) and always picks fruit and vegetables over junk which I still just think is so odd. 

He is 36 inches tall and in the 75 percentile for that which always makes me happy since I want an athlete so bad. He wears a size 7 shoe which is pretty big for his age so I do think he's going to end up tall. Oh and while we're on sizes he wears 18 months in shorts (because of the skinniness) and a 2T or 3T in shirts because almost all of his height is in his torso, not his legs (he's built just like his dad, I'm all legs no torso) 

His head size is in the 75 percentile too. I don't remember the exact measurement but its big. Duh have you seen his parents' heads? 

He is in perfect health. As previously mentioned in another blog he has only been to the Dr once for an illness and that was the recent vomitorium episode which I found out was going around Austin big time. Apparently all the kids in south Austin had it and I am now assuming he picked it up at his gym. 

The poor guy had to get 2 shots, one in each thigh but this time I was able to calmly explain to him what was going to take place and he said "2 shots? Hurt a little" after I was done telling him what was about to go down. The kid barely flinched. No tears, no screaming which officially makes him less of a baby than his father when it comes to shots and needles. Way to go Ty! 

He was mainly excited about the cool blue camo bandaids they put on afterward. So now that he's all up to date on shots, we don't have to go back to the dr for a year! Which is exciting since we move so much I hate having to constantly change Drs and have shot records transferred all over the place. 

After all the questioning and examining of Ty the Dr told me he on a 3 year old level for his motor skills and intelligence. They couldn't believe me when I told them that he pees on the potty and can pedal his trike. 

I love this little guy so much and we are all just so lucky to have him in our lives. I couldn't ask for anything more, he's healthy, smart, super cute and has a wonderfully sweet and funny personality. 

There are so many times when I really think I don't want another kid because I just don't think they will ever compare to Ty and the standards he has set (well unless they're a good sleeper because then I will love that child more just kidding) but then I think about how sad it will be for Ty to not have a playmate and grow up hanging out with only adults. So we'll see, we've got some time. For now I am just enjoying every single moment that I get being this little boy's mom. 


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