Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Well I'm going to try my blog about Ty again. I've recently quit my job from hell and actually have time to post stuff about Ty. I'm kind of sad I've gone so long without updates because while I really am a fantastic mom, I am horrible about keeping up with a baby book. That's what I started this blog for. Anyway since my wonderful and patient husband allowed me to quit the job I've had for the past 10 months that at times has made me physically ill from the stress of it, I thought I would give this another try (at least while I'm searching for a new job, may not have time again once I find one and start working).
So Ty is at my absolute favorite age right now. He is so smart and funny and sassy and cute. He can read all numbers and can count to 100 (I'm assuming because I get bored with listening when he gets to about 30). When I say this kid is smart I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom. His teachers at his preschool academy have told me he is the smartest kid in the class. She asked them the other day what continent they lived on and he said North America. I'm fairly certain most adults would have a hard time answering that and to be honest, I'm not quite sure where he even learned that. He is super outgoing not shy at all. Anywhere we go the kid makes at least 3 friends immediately. He is incredibly likable by both adults and his peers.
He goes to Eslass Academy in Westlake for his preschool. This is the best preschool ever and he LOVES going everyday. I hope his love for school continues. The teachers are wonderful. He has learned so much and come so far in just the 2 months he's been going there. They have a pool so he gets swim lessons everyday, this is probably the coolest thing about his school. He has never liked the pool until this summer and now, it's hard to get him out of the water. He is a fish and he swims so well. He goes all the way under and everything. Only thing is he wears goggles like a nerd but it's ok, I don't like getting water in my eyes either so I will just continue to laugh at him when I go and pick him up and he's the only kid in the pool with them on. Now for some recent pictures of Ty. He is still just so cute and all of the teachers at his school call him a little doll because of what a pretty little boy he is. I don't argue.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Version 2012

Well its already November 2 today and Halloween is over. Seriously (and I know moms day it all the time) but its seems like it was just Halloween, where did the frickin year go? Last Halloween we were in Aiken, SC and the lead up to actual Halloween seemed to last a lifetime but here in Austin this year it flew by! My theory is living in that craphole town that is Aiken, time stands still, days are like weeks but here I feel like it was just 4th of July. Anyway, this year Ty was Spongebob because he loves him. I also was able to take a stuffed Patrick do that Ty won at Dave and Busters and magically turn it into a costume for Payton and as usual she stole the show everywhere we went. I absolutely loved Halloween this year because Ty loved it. He knocked on doors, said trick or treat and then said thank you. He ran from house to house so excited to get more candy. He didn't want to go back to Grammy's house, the kid could have gone all night.Holidays with a kid are awesome and I cannot wait until Christmas his unbridled enthusiasm about everything is infectious and makes my heart smile. 
Here are some pictures from Halloween night

Ty is just such a cute kid. I think he looks so pretty in this picture. 

I told him to go pose by the tree like a model and this is what I got. He is such a jokester now, totally has my personality and is just a joy to be around. He is always making everyone laugh. 

Dada, Tyson Squarepants (which is who he told his teacher he was for Halloween when he wore his costume to school) and dada's beer. Also you can't see it but Patrick is wearing a super classy shirt that says "forget candy, give me beer" an Indiana Walmart special that I'm sure will be worn for many years to come. 

LOVE this picture of Ty and Payton, its just so sweet. 

Me and Ty. Not the best picture ever but the only one of us on Halloween together.

Trick or treating. After a while when the people would try to hand Ty candy he would just help himself to the  entire bowl and grab like 6 pieces. No one seemed to mind though because everyone thought he was so dang cute. 

We had such a great Halloween this year! Now on to Christmas. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Potty Training

Yesterday was the 1st official day of Ty's potty training. He's been going on the toilet since he was about 17 months old but mainly at night before bath or if he happened to tel me during the day. Since I was at school all summer, I didn't have the consecutive days that I would need to fully train him all at once. I'm done with school and his summer session for his preschool is over until next Thursday. So that gives me a week and a half to get this donezo. The first day did not go as well as I had intended, I thought it would be a lot easier but Ty just wasn't having it. Refused to even go on the potty at all until I showed him I had a big ol bag of prizes for him to choose from. Then he had no problem sitting on the toilet every time his potty watch went off. What's a potty watch you say? This is a potty watch

Every 30 minutes it plays a little ditty and lights up to remind Ty (and mama) that its time to sit on the toilet and try to go. He wore it all day yesterday but we didn't really abide by it. Today mama wore it and we've been going every 30 minutes and we've yet to have an accident. He also squeezes a little wee out every single time now so he can pick out a little toy. Good thing I found a  bunch of cheap toys at Walmart yesterday in their dollar section. I'm already running low and may have to make a trip to the dollar general. He actually has been telling me when he needs to go  today and is just doing awesome! There was one slip up I guess. I took the dogs out to the backyard to pee and Ty ran out there with them and peed in the yard too. He remembered to pull his undies down before he went so I guess it wasn't technically an accident and while I don't condone little boys peeing in the yard, I was told by a friend, for men the outdoors are our urinal. I tend to believe that statement because every guy friend I've ever had and my husband have absolutely no problem peeing outside. What we also started today was mommy school. We are learning a new letter everyday. Today was A. We read books, he made some apple trees and painted and colored and we did a pocket chart with flashcards and the coordinating worksheet (its nice having a mom that's a teacher) he officially knows the letter A, the sound it makes and all kinds of words that start with it. I  think the super structured day is also helping with the potty training. We are sticking to a strict schedule and its working! Anyway here are some pictures from yesterday and today. I've also got a couple of videos that I need to upload from my phone of Ty singing happy birthday to me and his ABCs so stay tuned...
This is Ty with his 1st potty prize. He loves Playdough so much so  needless to say he was very excited! This was by far the biggest and best of the potty prizes, I'm not a millionaire. It was just the 1st one to get him excited and to give us something to play with while having to be stuck at home all day. 

And here we are today working on A related crafts and games and lessons. As you can see Ty is having a great time. We've had such a good day, so far. 

On a side note I should be back to a regular update schedule of Ty's poor blog so make sure to start checking back again. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

July 4th

One day when I look back on this summer I will think "wow we did nothing, ever. Poor Ty" Seeing as it is July 13 and this is my 1st post of the month. I literally never ever have time to blog anymore and I feel so bad but going to school with a baby is killing me. Anyway we have been doing a ton of fun stuff this summer and I do have pictures (duh) its just a matter of getting them on here and writing witty commentary to them. I did at least want to get the 4th of July on here because its always fun and memorable and this year was no different. I realized that it was almost July 4th on July 3rd. I had totally forgot about it and the famous Circle C neighborhood parade. I have always wanted to be in this parade and after 21 years of my parents living here, I was finally home on the 4th and I finally had a reason to be in it and that reason's name is Ty. SO after school I picked Ty up and with my fail proof plan went to the Dollar Tree for all the only $1 decor my heart desired. And then we got there and there was nothing left. Nothing! How dare the Dollar Tree be out of 4th of July decorations on July 3 at 5pm. Luckily I was able to find more then enough next door at in the Target dollar section so crisis adverted. After I got all of the red white and blue stuff I felt we needed, we went home to decorate the trike for the parade. Everything was going along swimmingly until all of the sudden Ty didn't want me decorating his trike anymore. He went into a crazy rage that I like to equate to when bulls see the red cape and all they can think to do is to try and kill the red cape waver. Its like Ty saw the red white and blue foil stars I was attaching and lost it. He ripped everything off all while screaming "no mama, no mama, no mama". So I put the trike away and decided it would be best to wake up early, before him, and decorate it in the morning. That plan ended up working out much better. He was well rested and happy in the morning and welcomed all of my decor with open arms, even helped me attach it all. Hoss and her kids came in their wagon and we had a nice time at our little parade. Here are some pics from the parade and then from my mom's birthday lunch at Hula Hut which was fun I suppose as long as your definition of fun is chasing after a 2 year old next to the lake because he won't stay in his high chair and everyone else just stays inside and leisurely eats their meal. But no it was a good time it always is out there, I just love the atmosphere and wish I could more often.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Summer So Far

So I realize its been quite some time since I posted anything on here. As previously mentioned I did start summer school (its a class I dropped in my last semester at UT when I was pregnant with Ty and I need it for my 2nd degree) and its so much harder then I anticipated. When I'm in class, Ty takes his nap so I don't have any free time left anymore and any time I do have (like when he's at school) I am frantically working on homework and studying for quizzes and tests, going to school with a child is no bueno but it has to be done since I'm actually in Austin for long enough to finally finish. So mostly my summer has consisted so far of trying to get a good schedule going where I can fit in Ty's activities, my school work and working out. Since I am off for the weekend now I plan on getting a calendar together for the summer so we can actually start doing stuff and having fun. However the summer has not been without its good times there was Memorial Day (me and Ty had 2 parties to attend everyday that long weekend) and some weekends spent at various friends pools. Here are some pictures to kind of catch my blog up to date before I forget...