Monday, March 26, 2012


Not a whole lot of explanation needed for these pictures. Every year about this time our state flower, the bluebonnet, starts making an appearance. As a Texan, nothing makes you love the state of Texas more than the highways covered in bluebonnets that just look like they're showing off. And this year with all the rain and warm weather, they are awesome. Anyway I've never taken Ty's picture in them before so I was really excited to do so. Not wanting to have to pull over on I-35 and risk our lives to get the perfect shot, I was on the hunt for a nice patch. Driving home from somewhere, my husband turned down the wrong street and I was rude to him about it something along the lines of "this street doesn't give you a light, how are you going to make a left turn across 6 lanes of traffic on Slaughter Lane?" Well it just so happens that this idiotic move that my husband made took us right past a perfect bluebonnet patch with no traffic and no large families of Mexicans trampling the flowers (yet). So the next day I dressed Ty in one of his Easter outfits and the 3 of us went out to get the obligatory Texas Bluebonnet pictures.

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