Thursday, March 8, 2012

Possums and Big Boy Pants

Haven't really been up to much this week (well I guess just not really taking many pictures of what we've been up to). Just running errands and trying to get as much outdoor time in as possible since it looks to be rainy for the next week if not longer. Boo rain! Anyway today we were trying to get to the Children's Museum one last time before spring break also tried to go there yesterday too but have yet to make it. Yetserday there was a bad wreck on MoPac so I exited before the museum exit and took Ty to Zilker park instead (if I had to guess I would say he enjoyed that more anyway). Today though we had every intention of going to Target and then the Museum. Then I had a flat tire so my dad changed it for me (luckily I had just puled out from their house when I noticed something wrong) and then we went to Target. We were in Target a lot longer then I had originally planned and when I got out o my car I couldn't find my membership card to get into the museum (and by my card I mean the one I borrowed from Hoss and have yet to return) so if I didn't have my free entry I wasn't going to go. Plus it was almost Ty's lunchtime and would put us at the museum dangerously close to his nap time and I refuse to be out past nap time its just a recipe for disaster. So we came home and when we pulled up into the driveway we saw this possum hanging out in the trees. 
It was huge and a little creepy but kind of cute. Paris was the only dog who saw it so she was going crazy barking. I wonder what she would have done had she caught it... 

And these are just some pictures of Ty playing outside. I bought him a bug net and some pretend bugs to catch with it from the Target dollar section today. He really seems to be enjoying it. 

It should be noted that Ty actually requests or asks for a hat now when we leave the house. Its a good thing I have so many cute ones for him for spring/summer. This will also be beneficial when we play outside during summer and that poor little super blonde head of his needs to be protected. Wearing a hat in public though garners a lot of attention. Ty gets a ton of attention everywhere we go anyway because he's so cute and everyone feels the need to tell me but put a hat on him that matches his outfit and forget about it. I actually have people who take pictures of him now when we're out and ask me to wait while they go get their friends to see him. I'm not making this stuff up. 

Ty has figured out how to open all the gates now and thinks he can come and go as he pleases. Not a big fan of this especially when a large possum is still hovering overhead waiting to eat him. 

Here he is checking out the killer possum. 

So cute isn't  he? 

And one last thing for the day, I got Ty his first pairs of big boy undies. They are little boxer briefs, aren't the adorable? I thought he would only have tighty whities to choose from but they had these babies at Target. However, as per all of Ty clothes, they are huge. Not even sure if they're going to stay up and how the hell am I supposed to make them smaller and fit? Why is everything made for big fat kids? I realize the majority of kids are obese these days but not all of them are. Also they're size 2T-3T and that's the smallest they come so now not only is Ty being punished because he's skinny but also because he's advanced and potty training before he's even 2. So ghetto. 

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