Monday, March 26, 2012

Project 366 Week 12

I'm having to use a new program to do my weekly photo collages because the one I was using for some reason went out of business or was taken over by google or something. It's a little different but it works.


March 18th- Brought Ty home a cupcake from the bake sale that the church ladies were having after the early service. He was so excited. He tried to eat it like a corn on the cob (he also tries to do that with ice cream cones now too. Not sure why he turns everything sideways to eat)

March 19th- Patrick came home from his 2 week stay in Arkansas at a super cool hotel that had all these different kinds of cereal that he was able to steal and bring home to me. Incidentally he also stole 62 Starbucks cups with their lids from their coffee bar, I only got 12 of them though. 

March 20th- Rainy day, here are Ty's new rainboots. They're camo print and from Walmart. I think they're cute. Sure they're no Hunters but he's 2 I will buy him the Hunters later when I know he can wear them longer. 

March 21st- Our usual bridge on the walking trails was totally covered by the creek. It has rained so much lately. Payton did end up swimming but kind of got caught in the cureent just treading water until I pulled her out. 

March 22- Me and Ty had to go pick up my mom from her school. Ty asks all day now "where'd grammy go" 

March 23- Here's my big boy filling up his watering can to water his garden we planted for him to take care of. I will blog about that separately. 

March 24th- Ty's first pictures in the bluebonnets. I think they turned out so well!

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