Baby's first Burberry. My mom bought Ty his first Burberry shirt the other day at Neiman Marcus. It was on sale for $20 so very reasonable. Before Ty was born I looked into buying him a couple of the polo style Burberry shirts to match his daddy's however the baby shirts cost more then the daddy shirts! How is that even possible? Needless to say Ty did not get any, maybe one day if/when we're rich. I decided to just post some random pictures to get the blog up to date and think its funny that 2 of my favorite shots Ty is wearing the best of the best and something total PWT. You have the adorable Burberry shirt and you have him in a wife beater that says "My First Gun Show" and nothing but a diaper. This is usually not my style but he had just pooped in his regular outfit for the day and it was only a couple hours until it was time to put on his pajamas so I thought I would try on the shirt that his great-uncle Mike sent him and pair it with the thing I hate most, just a diaper. It takes a special kind of person to pull off that fashion misstep and I must say Ty is so dang cute, he does it flawlessly.
Ty loves his nightly baths. I can't wait for him to be able to sit up on his own so I can bathe him in the big bath tub and let him play with toys. I took a bath every night when I was pregnant with him, he's just like his mommy he loves his baths. I wanted a picture of him to show him one day that he really was small enough to be bathed in the sink and I was very careful to not get a shot of his wee wee as to not embarrass him when I turn this picture in to the mom who makes the slide show for his senior year football banquet to use while Sunrise Sunset plays in the background.