ooops looks like keeping up with a blog is a little bit more difficult then expected with a newborn baby. Since my last post on July 4 (dang its already July 15) Ty has changed quite a bit. It seems like over night he changed from looking like a newborn to looking like a baby. I sent an email out to all of mu friends with his 6-7 week pictures and the responses I got were so overwhelming in favor that I really do have the cutest baby ever. Everyone took the time to wirt back and tell me what a beautiful baby Ty is. Why did I ever worry that Patrick and I would have ugly kids? Some new developments of Ty over the past couple of weeks:
He loves to look at himself in his mirror and coo. He has a little crib mirror that has a bumble bee on it and for some reason he absolutely loves that bee. He smiles at it every morning.
He smiles alot easier now and at everyone. When you catch him in a good mood he smiles constantly and is so adorable.
He has chubby, extremely kissable cheeks but if you kiss him too much, he will roll his eyes. He also rolls his eyes at his grandma if she talks in a super high voice for too long.
During week 6 he started having "conversations" with my mom. She would talk and he would be quiet and intently listen when she was done speaking he would take his turn to make noises and "talk" back to her.
He makes great eye contact and will follow the voice if you move away from him or to another side.
At the beginning of his 8th week he discovered he had feet! he looked at them for a long time as I showed him is toes and told him all he could do someday with his big feet.
He loves his baths and we have one every night and now he can sit through an entire book when I read it. We read "Caps For Sale" and he listen to the whole thing! We've added that to our nightly routine now too.
Yesterday was a big day for Ty because he almost rolled over by himself. He made it all the way to his side and got stuck. He's been doing it all the time now ever since. o more leaving him anywhere alone! I can't believe my almost 2 month old can already almost roll over. I know its going to happen any day. Me and my siblings didn't rol over until 3 months so he may just beat us!
Thats about it for now. There are so many new things and milestones that he's reaching everyday. I cherish every moment that I have with him I just love him so much!
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