Ty had a busy week! He met his other grandparents for the first time. They flew down from Albany to meet him and to attend his baptism. Patrick's Aunt Sal and cousin Marni also came. We all had a really good time while they were here and Ty was an excellent host, accompanying everyone to all kinds of different places all while being a very good baby.
The first day we went to First Thursday, a street fair held on Congress Avenue the first Thursday of every month. We first ate at Guerros with Grandma Betty and Grandpa Dale and Sarabeth and Aubery. It was good Mexican food. After that we went to Big Top Candy Shop where mama got some candy. Grandma also bought Ty the cute tie onesie from one of the vendors. We walked around for a long time and it was at least 100 degrees out. I started out pushing Ty in the stroller but had to move to the Bjorn when he had finally had enough.
On Friday, daddy was home! We stopped by a gas station where daddy bought some beer and a super expensive NASCAR cooler on our way to Driftwood where we went and ate at The Salt Lick with everyone and went back to the hotel room and played for a long time
On Saturday I went and got a pedicure with Sal and Marni while Ty stayed with Grandma. I gave him over asleep and when I got back he was asleep. Unfortunately at this point no one believes that Ty is ever fussy or hard to handle because he has been so good everywhere we went.
Sunday was a big day Ty got baptized and it was my 2nd wedding anniversary. After the baptism and party (see separate blog entry for more on this) Ty went and stayed at the hotel with Patrick's family while me and Pat went to the movies (we saw The Oher Guys) and then got champagne to drink with our wedding cake that we had saved from the year before.
On Monday we went to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum. Ty went to sleep 5 minutes after we walked inside. After that we went and ate at Guerros again. It was Sal and Marni's last night here and they really wanted Mexican food.
On Tuesday Grandma and Grandpa came over and stayed with Ty while I ran a few errands. I really hate leaving him (give me a break he was in my belly for 40 weeks everywhere I went, I'm kind of attached to him) but I sucked it up and left so he could spend some quality time with his grandparents that don't get to see him very often. When I got back they left and went back to the hotel where they both took a 3 hour nap (its exhausting having a baby!) and then Ty and I went and picked them up and took the to eat steak at Texas Land and Cattle Company.
They finally left on Wednesday and we were tired! Ty slept 10 hours a night (5 hours, eat, sleep another 5 hours). I was really dreading going out constantly with them but it actually ended up helping Ty and I find our stride and now we work really well together. I got to know him and all his different cries and looks and learned exactly what to do to make him happy and extend the time we were able to stay out in public. Thank the good Lord because I was really dreading becoming a hermit.
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