Well not real school or anything its just his preschool mother's day out class at my church but still it was a pretty significant event in this little guy's life (and mine). Its the first time I've ever left him with someone who wasn't related to us and that's a pretty big considering he and I have spent everyday together for the past 2 years. When I took him, he did great no tears at all. He's by far the youngest kid in his class since the preschool director moved him up after the 1st time she met him. All the other kids were crying and screaming for their moms, Ty was fine as soon as he found their race car stash. He goes Tuesdays and Thursday from 9-1. My mom has to pick him up because I am taking a class at ACC this summer that goes from 12-2 and she said he seemed very happy when she got there. I figured he would like it. Its nice for him to have playmates his age for once and it will really help to socialize him I think. Since I refuse to make friends with other moms (besides Hoss) he doesn't really get to hang out with a lot of other kids. The teachers of course had to tell me how cute he was when we first walked in and how much they loved his super blonde hair (I get compliments all the time now on his hair which I think is kind of weird but apparently not a whole lot of kids have hair that light). Anyway the teachers have commented on what a sweet and well behaved little boy is and they told me they were amazed at how well he listened to them. Apparently there's this rumor going around that all 2 year olds are brats, yeah not all of them are. Here are some pictures I got of him on his first day. He looks so old to me! He really isn't a baby anymore...
He looks so much like Patrick here. The other day one of my friends said that when Ty smiles he looks just like me, when he gives dirty looks or frowns he looks just like Patrick. This is his "quit taking pictures of me crazy lady" look.
It was funny when I first put his backpack on him he said "Airplane?"He wears his backpack everytime we fly so naturally he thought we were going on a trip.
On a side note today was actually his 2nd day to go. He was a bit more reluctant. My mom asked him if he wanted to go to school today and he said "no, HEB" for some reason Ty loves the grocery store now which is odd because up until a couple of weeks ago he hated it. So to get him in the car we had to promise a trip to HEB when Grammy picked him up from school. Then when we got to his classroom, he dug his tiny Toms into the ground and wouldn't budge but after I got him in and he found some train tracks, he told me bye and went off to play.
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