Monday, December 13, 2010

Kentucky or Bust

I haven't updated this thing in so long. Since I last wrote anything Ty has changed so much an we've actually moved to Frankfort, KY because daddy has a job here. Ty took his first plane ride on November 22 and then sat and played in his first snow 2 days later

Since it has been so long I will just do a quick run down of what he's doing now and maybe list the big milestones he achieved and how old he was.

Currently Ty cannot sit still. He is a constant wiggle worm. He doesn't crawl but he climbs and he's actually quite close to walking. Ty would much rather be standing then sitting and he pulls himself up on everything.

Patrick never crawled and walked super early. I only crawled a short while before walking early too so I'm thinking Ty's not going to crawl at all. I'm fairly certain he can because he has taken a few crawl steps here and there and sometimes when I turn around and the look at him again he's in a different place and I don't know how he got there. He's been so advanced at everything else in his life I have a hard time believing he's going to lag behind in crawling.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:5

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Timeline of Ty

Ty is 5 Months Old

Happy 5 month birthday to Ty! I can't believe how fast its going. Here's a quick update on everything that is Ty...
He ate his first solid food today. He had carrots and he loved them! Patrick made all his food from organic vegetables steaming them and mashing them in our food processor so all his food is super healthy and yummers. I didn't let him feed himself but I did let him inspect the spoon and in the process he spread all excess carrot all over his face. You should know that my goofy dogs love pureed vegetable baby food so they will be getting all his leftovers.
When I shower I have been placing him in his bouncer on the floor. It kind of makes him lay back at an angle. Recently he has been sitting straight up in it and then leans forward and scales down the leg of it and onto the bath mat. I saw it all go down the other day with conditioner in my hair and not a whole lot of options. When I finally got to him he was just laying there smiling his big toothless grin.
At our last Dr appointment Ty was a little skinny for the Dr's liking so we've been working on monitoring his food intake and supplementing his normal feedings with expressed milk in a bottle. I weighed Ty today on an olive scale at the grocery store (yes I really sat my child on a grocery store scale) and in 2 weeks he gained 1.2 pounds so he is now officially up to 14.2 pounds. Thats only going to go up as we add more and more solids into his daily routine. He's still in the 85 percentile for height though at 26.5 inches.
Its almost halloween and we are so excited! This pumpkin get up I have him in is not his costume its just a cute outfit I saw for super cheap one time before he was even born. Not sure what I was thinking buying a fleece pumpkin suit for him to wear in Texas in October where its still 90 degrees everyday but oh well he looks darn cute in it.
He laughs all the time now. He especially enjoys it when I make funny sounds and use funny voices for him. He's also incredibly ticklish so its pretty easy to get him to laugh tickling him too.
He knows his name now and will look at you when you say it. I'm pretty sure he knows who Paris and Payton are since I am constantly yelling at them all day long. He may even know them as idiots as I shout that at them all day too.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Napping in the crib

OMG my child is actually asleep, in his crib, in the middle of the day and has been now for almost 2 hours! He's growing up, I'm so proud of him. After all the times I complained about having to hold him to nap now that I've put him down I'm kind of sad that I'm not holding him and at a loss of what to do with 2 hands free.

Fall has officially arrived and the weather has changed a little but its really alot to any Texan who has made it through this past summer we had. It was 57 degrees when we took the dogs out to potty this morning and when we got back in Ty's little nose was red, so cute.

We spent the morning watching the news because there were 2 supposed gunmen on the loose at UT. Auntie Em was stuck there on lock down in her classroom for 3 hours! SHe mad eit out safely though as the 1 gunman only wanted to take his own life and wanted to do it in a grand way. So sad and annoying.

There's not too much going on with Ty. He's getting huge. Not so much fat but so tall and way heavier. He also gets cuter everyday. He had a conversation with me this morning and the raising of the eye brows, the furrowing of the brow and the different tones of his voice are so freaking cute! He is just turning into a little person.

He is an excellent baby. Very sweet and quite most the time (as long as we're not in the car). He just takes everything in, he's so observant. He can sit almost completely by himself now and he will flip on his belly and raise up like he's going to take off crawling. He loves playing with his toys his favorite one right now is sophie the giraffe. (ok back to typing with one hand, he just woke up)

Ty loves to swing and my mom just bought him one for her house. So far everytime we've put him in it he has promptly fallen asleep. I take him to the park swings about 3 times a week too.

Its football season and from what I can tell Ty enjoys watching it (no he doesn't actually watch it but will occassionally glance at the tv when its on) and he loves da bears who by the way are surprisingly good so far this year. Of course he likes the longhorns too but they're not very good this year and not very exciting to watch.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September Already!

Quick little update on Ty since its been so long. I really would update this thing more if I could actually put him down for naps but alas I cannot just yet so whatever. I just finished a book on sleep training babies. You can't start until they're 4 months old so we have a few more weeks of waking up every 45 minutes at night and not laying down to nap. I think I can make it I think I've gotten used to functioning on little sleep I forget everything and I'm not the most pleasant person all the time but hey, I try. Here's what Ty has been up to lately:

He is really good at rolling. The other day he rolled across the bed to get from one end to another. He doesn't like being on his belly very much but we have tummy time everyday for a litle while so he can practice scooting and work on his crawling posture. Its really not going to be long unti he starts crawling.

He has started teething. He is a drool monster and everything goes into his mouth to chew on. No teeth have been cut just yet but they're coming.

Ty has a bath every night and just a couple of days ago I removed the newborn insert that was in it so now he is more submerged in the water and he loves it. He splashes and plays with the rinsing cup for a long time before he wants to get out. I can't wait until he can sit up on his own and take a bath in the normal tub with toys.

I have heard him laugh one time and he sounded so much like me. However I haven't heard him do it anymore and he just squeals with excitement. Hopefully a big belly laugh will come anyday now. He laughs alot in his sleep. I wish I knew what he was dreaming!

He is very vocal. He will have a "conversation" with you pausing in his speak for you to say something and then responding. He is extremely animated with his eyebrows and facial expressions and he uses different tones and inflections in his voice as if her were actually talking. One of my favorite things that he does is he will just look at me and raise his eyebrows a couple of times.

He is now sleeping in his new crib at night. When we first put him in there he was sleeping 5 hour stretches so now I'm not sure what the deal is with the 45 minutes stretches but I'm sure *fingers crossed* its just a phase.

He HATES going in the car and screams at the top of his lungs the whole time we are driving. He tolerates it if I am able to ride back there with him and entertain him but since I can't afford a driver thats not often. He has started to put up a pretty good fight when I go to fasten him in his carseat. He thrusts his pelvis up and tries to keep me from locking him in.

He can hold himself up on the laundry basket standing up. Sometimes I think he is going to walk before he crawls because he prefers standing over everything else.

Thats about it he will be 16 weeks old this friday already! I can't believe hes already almost 4 months old. Oh yeah I almost forgot Ty "watched" his first UT game last weekend and of course was dressed for the occasion. UT won. Hook em horns!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ty's Baptism

Tyson's baptism took place on 08-08-10. That's right, mine and Patrick's wedding anniversary I like to think good things happen for you on August 8th if you're a DeWilde. He was baptized at my church Bethany Lutheran by Pastor Lentz. My whole family was there, mom, dad, Emily, Oma, Opa and Mark as well as Patrick's parents and his Aunt Sal and cousin Marni. Ty's sponsors aka godparents were Sarabeth and Greg. It was such a nice baptism. Of course I cried through the entire thing. Don't know what it is but ever since I had this baby EVERYTHING makes me cry. I cried at an Office Depot commercial the other day showing moms sad about kids going to school so of course I think about Ty going to kindergarten but I digress. Oh I should mention that Ty wore a 62 year old baptism gown that all of Patricks family was baptized in. Ty did so well. He fell asleep right before church started, screamed when the pastor got his head wet and then went right back to sleep. Ty always liked church when he was in my belly, he would kick the entire hour!
After church everyone went to my parents house where they catered a lunch from Serranos which was awesome. Since Ty wore the gown to church, I changed him into his party suit that I had originally bought for the baptism which was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. It was such a great day and as Oma said Ty's name is now written in God's book.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ty's Tour of Austin

Ty had a busy week! He met his other grandparents for the first time. They flew down from Albany to meet him and to attend his baptism. Patrick's Aunt Sal and cousin Marni also came. We all had a really good time while they were here and Ty was an excellent host, accompanying everyone to all kinds of different places all while being a very good baby.

The first day we went to First Thursday, a street fair held on Congress Avenue the first Thursday of every month. We first ate at Guerros with Grandma Betty and Grandpa Dale and Sarabeth and Aubery. It was good Mexican food. After that we went to Big Top Candy Shop where mama got some candy. Grandma also bought Ty the cute tie onesie from one of the vendors. We walked around for a long time and it was at least 100 degrees out. I started out pushing Ty in the stroller but had to move to the Bjorn when he had finally had enough.

On Friday, daddy was home! We stopped by a gas station where daddy bought some beer and a super expensive NASCAR cooler on our way to Driftwood where we went and ate at The Salt Lick with everyone and went back to the hotel room and played for a long time

On Saturday I went and got a pedicure with Sal and Marni while Ty stayed with Grandma. I gave him over asleep and when I got back he was asleep. Unfortunately at this point no one believes that Ty is ever fussy or hard to handle because he has been so good everywhere we went.

Sunday was a big day Ty got baptized and it was my 2nd wedding anniversary. After the baptism and party (see separate blog entry for more on this) Ty went and stayed at the hotel with Patrick's family while me and Pat went to the movies (we saw The Oher Guys) and then got champagne to drink with our wedding cake that we had saved from the year before.

On Monday we went to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum. Ty went to sleep 5 minutes after we walked inside. After that we went and ate at Guerros again. It was Sal and Marni's last night here and they really wanted Mexican food.

On Tuesday Grandma and Grandpa came over and stayed with Ty while I ran a few errands. I really hate leaving him (give me a break he was in my belly for 40 weeks everywhere I went, I'm kind of attached to him) but I sucked it up and left so he could spend some quality time with his grandparents that don't get to see him very often. When I got back they left and went back to the hotel where they both took a 3 hour nap (its exhausting having a baby!) and then Ty and I went and picked them up and took the to eat steak at Texas Land and Cattle Company.
They finally left on Wednesday and we were tired! Ty slept 10 hours a night (5 hours, eat, sleep another 5 hours). I was really dreading going out constantly with them but it actually ended up helping Ty and I find our stride and now we work really well together. I got to know him and all his different cries and looks and learned exactly what to do to make him happy and extend the time we were able to stay out in public. Thank the good Lord because I was really dreading becoming a hermit.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ty with his Aunt and Uncle. Notice the funny face he and Dustin are making in the second picture of them, they look so much alike with the goofy facial expression they have. Also please note that Dustin holds Ty as though he were a sack of poo. He was scared to hold him but he did fine and he didn't even drop him.
I just bought Ty a Bumbo chair which is the blue thing he is sitting in. He really enjoys being in it and will sometimes (depending on his mood) sit in it for 30 minutes. He is starting to pay attention to toys which is so cool and so much fun. I put him in his chair and show him pictures and read him books too. Its amazing to me that a 2 month old will actually look and pay attention to books and pictures but then again I should expect it since I have the most advanced and smartest baby ever. His happiest time is in the evening after his last nap of the day and before his bath. We play a long time in his room with all his toys, we read books and look at pictures and listen and dance to all his cds. We currently are in love with his new Raffi CDs that my mom checked out from the library and I burned copies of for free. Oh yeah I thought I should also add that he really likes looking at pictures of other babies and what's really funny is he spends a great deal of time staring at the black babies. I read an article once that babies are born "racist" and they could tell this because babies would stare at other babies that were a different color then them for much longer then they did at the babies that were the same color trying to figure out what was wrong with them. On another note I signed Ty up for a UT child psychology study that he will participate in when he is 9 months maybe it will be something like the aforementioned study.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Baby's first Burberry. My mom bought Ty his first Burberry shirt the other day at Neiman Marcus. It was on sale for $20 so very reasonable. Before Ty was born I looked into buying him a couple of the polo style Burberry shirts to match his daddy's however the baby shirts cost more then the daddy shirts! How is that even possible? Needless to say Ty did not get any, maybe one day if/when we're rich. I decided to just post some random pictures to get the blog up to date and think its funny that 2 of my favorite shots Ty is wearing the best of the best and something total PWT. You have the adorable Burberry shirt and you have him in a wife beater that says "My First Gun Show" and nothing but a diaper. This is usually not my style but he had just pooped in his regular outfit for the day and it was only a couple hours until it was time to put on his pajamas so I thought I would try on the shirt that his great-uncle Mike sent him and pair it with the thing I hate most, just a diaper. It takes a special kind of person to pull off that fashion misstep and I must say Ty is so dang cute, he does it flawlessly.

Ty loves his nightly baths. I can't wait for him to be able to sit up on his own so I can bathe him in the big bath tub and let him play with toys. I took a bath every night when I was pregnant with him, he's just like his mommy he loves his baths. I wanted a picture of him to show him one day that he really was small enough to be bathed in the sink and I was very careful to not get a shot of his wee wee as to not embarrass him when I turn this picture in to the mom who makes the slide show for his senior year football banquet to use while Sunrise Sunset plays in the background.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

ooops looks like keeping up with a blog is a little bit more difficult then expected with a newborn baby. Since my last post on July 4 (dang its already July 15) Ty has changed quite a bit. It seems like over night he changed from looking like a newborn to looking like a baby. I sent an email out to all of mu friends with his 6-7 week pictures and the responses I got were so overwhelming in favor that I really do have the cutest baby ever. Everyone took the time to wirt back and tell me what a beautiful baby Ty is. Why did I ever worry that Patrick and I would have ugly kids? Some new developments of Ty over the past couple of weeks:

He loves to look at himself in his mirror and coo. He has a little crib mirror that has a bumble bee on it and for some reason he absolutely loves that bee. He smiles at it every morning.

He smiles alot easier now and at everyone. When you catch him in a good mood he smiles constantly and is so adorable.

He has chubby, extremely kissable cheeks but if you kiss him too much, he will roll his eyes. He also rolls his eyes at his grandma if she talks in a super high voice for too long.

During week 6 he started having "conversations" with my mom. She would talk and he would be quiet and intently listen when she was done speaking he would take his turn to make noises and "talk" back to her.

He makes great eye contact and will follow the voice if you move away from him or to another side.

At the beginning of his 8th week he discovered he had feet! he looked at them for a long time as I showed him is toes and told him all he could do someday with his big feet.

He loves his baths and we have one every night and now he can sit through an entire book when I read it. We read "Caps For Sale" and he listen to the whole thing! We've added that to our nightly routine now too.

Yesterday was a big day for Ty because he almost rolled over by himself. He made it all the way to his side and got stuck. He's been doing it all the time now ever since. o more leaving him anywhere alone! I can't believe my almost 2 month old can already almost roll over. I know its going to happen any day. Me and my siblings didn't rol over until 3 months so he may just beat us!

Thats about it for now. There are so many new things and milestones that he's reaching everyday. I cherish every moment that I have with him I just love him so much!