Tyson's baptism took place on 08-08-10. That's right, mine and Patrick's wedding anniversary I like to think good things happen for you on August 8th if you're a DeWilde. He was baptized at my church Bethany Lutheran by Pastor Lentz. My whole family was there, mom, dad, Emily, Oma, Opa and Mark as well as Patrick's parents and his Aunt Sal and cousin Marni. Ty's sponsors aka godparents were Sarabeth and Greg. It was such a nice baptism. Of course I cried through the entire thing. Don't know what it is but ever since I had this baby EVERYTHING makes me cry. I cried at an Office Depot commercial the other day showing moms sad about kids going to school so of course I think about Ty going to kindergarten but I digress. Oh I should mention that Ty wore a 62 year old baptism gown that all of Patricks family was baptized in. Ty did so well. He fell asleep right before church started, screamed when the pastor got his head wet and then went right back to sleep. Ty always liked church when he was in my belly, he would kick the entire hour!
After church everyone went to my parents house where they catered a lunch from Serranos which was awesome. Since Ty wore the gown to church, I changed him into his party suit that I had originally bought for the baptism which was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. It was such a great day and as Oma said Ty's name is now written in God's book.