So I thought I would make this blog a summary of what Ty does now and how he is growing (way too fast). Also I am currently typing with one hand while holding Ty so he can eat.
Ty recently smiled at me for the first time and it totally melted my heart. He primarily still smiles at objects on the wall or his toys but occassionally I (or grandpa) can get a smile out of him.
He absolutely adores this large circle mirror that hangs over the couch where I usually sit to feed him. Helikes to smile at that first thing every morning while having his breakfast.
He doesn't mind taking his baths and he has one every other day.
He is such an alert baby. Everyonewho sees him or his pictures tells me that. I believe that Ty thinks he is older then he really is. Alot of times he will fight sleep because he thinks he will miss something. Some days he will stay awake for 7 hours at a time!
This evening he played on his play mat by himself for 30 minutes just looking around and talking.
He makes so many cute noises now coos and giggle sounds as well as grunts. He is a very vocal baby especially when he eats. He is always talking and loves to listen when I talk to him.
He goes to bed around 11 and will sleep until 2:00, eat and then go back to bed until 5. Its a pretty nice schedule for such a young baby. However he's not too set on this schedule just yet because he woke up at 2:00 last night and stayed up until 5:00 in a great mood and wanting to play.
His neck and back are getting so strong and he can really hold his head up well. He has a lot of tummy time everyday and can pick his head up and turn it. I will sometimes prop him up on his belly and he will push up with arms. He will push off of my hands when I push up against his feet. He is going to crawl early I think.
Anyway that's about it he will be 6 weeks on Friday and my time with him is just flying by! I can't believe he's already been here for 6 weeks and its funny, although its only been 6 weeks I can't remember my life without him. I love you Ty!!
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