Thursday, August 18, 2011

Slide, Slide, Slippity Slide

So this is a pretty big deal to me. A huge accomplishment for Ty. Today for the first time he climbed up on a playscape, sat down on a slide and slid all the way down, BY HIMSELF!!
Patrick and I have been sending him down slides for a while now but one of us would be at the top getting him situated on the slide and one of us would be at the bottom to catch him. One time at a park some nerd mom with her future geek of a kid who was 3 said "you let him go down the slide by himself?!? How old is he and how is he not scared?" Well for one, I'm not raising a over protected kid who's scared of everything and two he's just advanced and not scared of a w hole lot. Well today while I was playing on my phone, ignoring the poor child, he calmly climbed to the top of the slide, sat himself down on it and just went for it. Such a big boy. So many times I forget that he's still just 14 months.

And what kind of little boy would he be if he didn't try to be impertinent and climb back up the slide the wrong way? I love this kid so much!! 

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