Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sidewalk Chalk and a Trip to Augusta

I got Ty some sidewalk chalk from the dollar section at Target the other day. I wasn't sure if he'd be entertained by it yet but it was a dollar so I thought I would give it a try. He actually colored on the sidewalk with it. In all honesty he was more interested in taking all the chalk out of its little bucket and then putting it all back in again but he did draw with it for a little while. And much to my dismay everyday it becomes more apparent that the kid is right handed. Boo!

Also the other day Ty and I spent our morning in Augusta. My cell phone broke yet again so I had to take it to Best Buy. There isn't one in Aiken so we had to drive 20 miles to Augusta. There was a splash pad and playground fairly close to Best Buy so I took Ty by there afterwards. The splash pad was not as cool as the ones in Austin but I don't think Ty cared. He still had a good time playing in the water and then on the playground. I will say that one thing that is definitely better then Austin is the weather. We were at this park at noon and it wasn't 112 degrees. It was probably only like 87 degrees and still very pleasant.

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