Sunday, September 4, 2011

Football Season is Finally Here

On the dawn of Ty's 2nd football season starting (here's a picture of him from the 1st game last year so precious!) I decided that some good pictures needed to be taken. 

Since I now think that I am a professional photographer (what? Doesn't having a fancy camera automaticaly qualify me for that) I am always looking for cool places with good light that will make for some awesome pictures. Case and point these railroad tracks. I saw these when I broughtTy to the park that's right next to them. I knew they would be safe since I have yet to see a train ever in south carolina and the safety gate that comes down for cars is non-existant. So we went out at about 11am in a super cute new (but sadly not personalized) UT outfit. I LOVE how these pictures turned out. I may be biased but I think they look like a pro took them now I were to edit them a bit in photoshop seriously I don't think anyone would know that I took these pictures. I've saved so much money with this camera not having to pay a pro ever to take Ty's pics. I'm saving to buy a new lense for it wic should mae for many more good times for mama and many more wonderful pictures of this precious child.  

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