Sunday, September 18, 2011

Phone Picture Dump

Its been a while since I posted pictures from my phone so I thought I would go ahead and get them off my phone and onto my blog so here goes...

How much of a little boy does Ty look like right here in his jersey, Baby Js and jeans? A football Sunday at the park and even though the Bears lost to the nasty Saints I can take comfort in the fact that I have the cutest little Urlacher in the world. I posted that on Facebook and 3 people agreed. 

These were taken at Hopeland Gardens. I just really like his outfit and while wearing this 2 old ladies at storytime told Ty that he had great style and told me to take a look at his cute little shoes. Um yeah old ladies who do you think bought/put those clothes and shoes on him. It cracks me up when people tell me how great Ty's style is as if I have absolutely nothing to do with it. It surprisingly happens all the time. 

The first chilly day of the season here in South Carolina. I love a kid in fall clothes! Its by far my favorite outfit season.

Look how just pretty he looks here. Like a model.
This picture and the next is me catching Ty putting random things on his head and then saying "hat". He does it with everything (i.e. a noddle from dinner tonight) and then Patrick or I will say "thats not a hat Mr. Noodle" (its from Elmos world)

In the bath tub with a foam letter hat.

Just haven't had an embarrassing bath picture in a while, thought it was time. 

At the library. This was the first time he was actually interested in what was on the computer. 

AT the local mall. There were a ton of these ride on toys. Best part about having a 15 month old in this situation? He likes just sitting in them without me putting quarters in them. Reminds me of when we were little and my brother thought he was playing arcade games without ever putting any money in. 

 At Target in the school section and for some reason Ty wanted to carry around as many lunch boxes as he could. Here he has 4.
 Got Ty a ball pit. Great investment because t kept him busy during the whole second half of the UT game this past weekend.
Me trying to take a picture of my cute outfit. I love my leopard scarf. Notice the little turd burgler hanging onto my leg. 

 At a park for the first half of the Longhorn game so I could wear him out and hopefully watch the second half in peace. The football leggings are back again and if I had a dollar every time some one stopped me or Patrick to tell us how cute he is while wearing them I would be rich. It takes me forever to get out of a store if he has these leggings on. Does no one but me shop online?
 This morning hiking in the woods. Made him walk too much though because he asked to be carried back. I had him in one arm and my 2 dogs in the other.

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