Sunday, September 25, 2011

Growing Up So Fast

Today we were outside and Patrick was leaving to go by his jobsite for a while. Ty waved to him as he drove off in his truck and said "bye bye Dad" then he looked at me and said "dad work" Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? This kid is just so dang smart.
There was a big sale at Gap yesterday. We got Ty this new hat (I say we because Patrick really liked it too) for on $4. He may only keep it on for 5 minutes at a time but for those 5 minutes, my Lord how cute he is!

Here is Ty laying on the ground. For some reason no matter where we may be, he will lay down and pretend to sleep. I don't know why but he does it all the time. On dirt (as seen here) sidewalk, even in the middle of a parking lot. Its funny but for obvious reasons its a habit I'm trying to break. 

And a couple more pictures from our walk today, just because...

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