Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today was the 10 year anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. Its so hard to believe that its been 10 years because I literally remember that day like it was yesterday. I was getting my braces put on that morning so I heard the towers get hit on the radio while sitting in the orthodontist chair. Its a day when everyone can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when the planes hit. I remember the day after me and Patrick and Becky went to TGIFridays bar (our regular hang out because all the bar tenders thought I was over 21 already) and on the way there on every bridge we  passed under on I-35 there was someone waving an American flag. I remember being so proud to be an American right then. I also remember the 3 of us sitting around waiting with  bated breath by the TV for Bush to come on and make a speech. I also remember commenting how I was so happy that he had beat Al Gore the previous November because I took comfort listening to Bush, I felt he was genuine and he really cared.
ANyway, this year since it was the 10 year anniversary there were a ton of specials on about that day. This year I was really upset by them. Seeing the widows who still cry for their husbands and seeing how the country united afterwards and were all proud to be Americans. I know it has something to do with me being a mom now, everything upsets me more. Thinking about the kids that lost their parents makes me so sad. Its also that our country has just gone to crap under this current president and that makes me sad too. Its so divided and there is no unity and he doesn't care. He has never displayed any compassion and that really saddens me. He's ruining this great country and I'm sad that it may never get back to where it was because of him.
Oh well that's how I'm feeling today on the 10th anniversary on 9-11 now here are some pictures of my super cute child to make me feel better.

I love this picture because it shows how much Payton truly looks out for Ty. She saw where he was heading and ran ahead to check it out.

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