Sunday, September 4, 2011

15 Months

A qucik 15 month update
We're a little past his 15 month birthday but I thought I would write down a couple of things that Ty is doing now because some of them are so impressive and show how smart he is and some of them are just freaking hilarious. 

So first things first Ty has 7 teeth 4 on top and 3 on bottom. He weighs around 22 pounds and is super tall (I just don't know how tall because he won't be still long enough for me to measure him properly) He recently went through a big growth spurt and got really tall. He can reach things on the table and the counters now I'm assuming he grew like3 inches over night. 

He's very animated. When you ask him a question he will do his arms in the "I don't know" shrug and he'll say something in a a questioning tone. 
He will do a fake laugh and even cover his mouth when doing so, this is really funny. He also will pick up any kind of towel and pretend to blow his nose, making the sound with his mouth.
While on the topic of him faking stuff, he pretends to lay down on the bed and will do a fake snore. I have no idea where he learned this from. 
When I sing the song "Where is thumbkin" he does all the motions to it including the "runaway" where he puts both hands behind his back. He does the motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and really almost sings "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"

He blow kisses very dramatically making the mwahhh sound with each one. 
Every where he goes he waves to people. He's incredibly friendly and will go right up to anyone. 
He has started going to the gym's daycare now when I go to my spin classes and he seems to really like it. He goes right in when I drop him off and when I picked him up a couple of days ago he was pushing a firetruck around the room making the siren sound. 

Something he just started doing that I just love is he will blow on all of his food and say "hot" before he eats it. I never give him food too hot to eat right away but he still does this with everything. 
And finally the thing that I'm most impressed with is that he's started the early stages of counting. When I ask him how many of something is in a picture he will point to each one and make a sound. He follows along exactly as I say the number out loud. If counting on his own he will only make the number of sounds of the number of items he is counting, he knows what he's doing. 

Also he has foam letters that he plays with in the bath he has started to take each letter and attempt to make the sound that it makes and he does it 3 times in a row like I do e.g A ah,ah,ah. He also does this with his alphabet cards too. The thing thats so impressive is he only does this with letters. He knows what letters are, he gets it and the kid is 15 months old!! Just ridiculous. 

Well thats about it for now of course he does funny and smart and new things everyday but these are some of my favorite. 

And to end with a pretty quote for Ty
"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside." 

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