Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Road Trip

So I had a brilliant idea, lets drive across country with 2 stank dogs and a 14 month old in a little Toyota Highlander. And that's just what we did. However, as bad as it sounds it wasn't. Ty was so good and so were my dogs, surprisingly. After driving everywhere with a screaming baby from about 0 to 10 months I am thinking my reward was having a baby who was well behaved and pleasant the entire trip. Now I must give credit where credit is due and that is to my mom who sat in the back most of the way entertaining Ty all while having a 100 pound golden retriever pushed up against her, drooling.
Here was my trunk all packed up to go and see dad in our new home, Aiken, SC

Good packing job huh? I just wish I could have fit more boxes of Ozarka water in there, its one of the things I miss most when I'm not in Texas.

The first day we drove to my Grandma's house in Marshall. I don't have any pictures to post on here but I do have a couple of hard copies that were taken. Being at my grandmas house was really hard for me. I hadn't been there since her health took a turn and she can't take care of herself anymore.  It was weird because everything was exactly how I remembered it. Same pictures, same decorations same smell so I expected Pugh to be the same grandma that I used to LOVE visiting with my brother every year but she wasn't. She was a shell of her former self and that made me sad. I totally wasn't expecting that.
Anyway the next day we drove all the way to Tuscaloosa, AL (Boo university of Alabama)
Here are a couple of pics from various rest stops.

The next day we drove to Atlanta to meet Patrick and drop my mom off at the airport. A little side story, we stopped at  a park near the air port in Atlanta to let the baby and dogs play a little and upon entering the playground we were met by a huge sign that said “Absolutely no gambling, alcohol or drugs” Really at a playground that sign was needed? So ghetto, gotta love Atlanta.
Here are some picture from the hotel we stayed in. Ty did extremely well in all the hotels we stayed in as well. He slept decently and he played by himself with toys and was entertained. I have the best baby ever!

So anyway we finally made it to Aiken ( after having to stay an extra, unexpected  night in yet another hotel because our apartment wasn’t ready yet but they paid for it since it was their fault) and it was so nice to finally get our stuff unpacked and start to have the new apartment feel like home. 

Of course Patrick got sent to Indiana again for a week because the job here was delayed a week and I’m here all alone but its ok we’re learning the town and I got internet hooked up today, word.
I am so thankful that the road trip is over and I just could not have done it without my mom who sacrificed the last week of her already crappy summer vacation to drive cross country with 2 stank dogs and  a 14 month old. Thanks mom you=the best!!

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