Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bun Bun 2012 AKA Ty's 1st Race

So on Sunday, Ty and I finally got to run in our big race that we had been training for. Ty did the Kids 1K and I did the 5K and I'm not going to lie, we both did awesome. Ty was by far the youngest kid participating and he ran it better then most of them. It was like he knew what he was doing. He wasn't freaked out by the big crowds or how loud it was and he quite enjoyed dancing to all of the music they had playing beforehand. 
Patrick flew out at 5:45 that morning so he wasn't able to attend and I really wish he could have, he would have been so proud of our boy. I had to drag Ty out of bed at 6:30am because his race started at 7:45 and I wasn't sure where to park or how long it would take so we left early.

And much to my surprise and delight both of my parents came. They both wanted to see Ty run and they weren't disappointed. These pictures were before the race on our way to the site. We passed by a crane and Ty was so excited. 

Ty and Grampy by the Scholtsky's van

Here's me and Ty posing with the stupid characters. Its just what you have to do once you have a kid  (or if you're drunk) 

Hydrating before the starting horn. 

And we're off. You see that stupid kid behind him? Crying while his dad dragged him along. Please, Ty ran past him quick because he was annoying!

I am still just in awe of how well Ty did! He is such an athlete and so mature. I seriously forget he's still not even 2 yet. 

Now don't get me wrong, I love all of these pictures but I can't help but look at them and be disappointed in my body. I have worked so hard lately and I still have a total mom body. I have skinny legs, skinny arms but a big belly, wide hips and a huge butt. Clearly I'm in great shape but having a baby just totally  changed my body shape. 

See how much fun he's having? Now this isn't really his first "race" because when he was 6 months we entered him in the crawling derby which he won his bracket but placed 2nd overall for. I have that race bib still too and I plan on framing both of them in a shadow box display.

As usual, Ty was the star of the show and everyone there (even other parents) could not get over how cute he was. I wonder how old kids are when people stop thinking they're cute and stop giving compliments. It was a tad annoying at first but I've grown so used to it I don't know what I'm going to do when strangers stop telling me how cute he is. 

One time during the race, Lady Gaga came on and Ty just stopped to dance. 

Then when he started running past all these people who were cheering him on, he really got a taste for it. He would stop at each one that was shouting for him and jump. Then he would move on to the next one and do a jump for them too. Totally showing off and trying to garner more applause. 

After Ty's race, he refueled on the free Hey Cupcakes they were giving out. We all know how this child feels about cupcakes

Then it was my turn for the race. This was the last stretch and I was running hard, I got my stride. As I crossed the finish line I had run so hard that I almost threw up, now that is something that has never happened to me before. I ran 3.2 miles in 27:05, the fastest I have ever run in my life. Thats just under 9 minute miles and frankly kind of amazing. 

And as soon as I walked back around to where my adoring fans were, Ty ran over to me and said "hi mama!" and hugged me like I had been gone for years. I LOVE this kid so much it hurts. He is so freaking sweet and loving and thinks I hung the moon. Still no terrible 2's yet he's just a really good kid and he's got that super sweet and considerate side like his dad. 

So anyway that was our race. I am so glad my parents came to cheer us on and take pictures (they turned out so well) I can't wait to run our next race together!
Oh and in case you were wondering (and because I want to look back one day and see)
I placed 480th out of 1234 participants (both men and women) so not too shabby. In my age division of 30-34 year olds (gross I can't believe I'm this old already) I placed 42nd out of 117 so again better then over half.  I love to run!

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