Thursday, May 24, 2012

New York City Themed Party-Ty's 2nd Birthday

So here it is, the blog entry I'm sure everyone has been waiting for... Ty's 2nd Birthday party wrap up. I think I will be doing a couple on Ty's birthday as the whole weekend and actual day of his birthday we did so much. Patrick was in town and he said the sweetest thing (and I wanted to document because sweet things out of his mouth are a rarity) "No matter where I may be working or living at the time, I will always come home for Ty's birthday. I will never miss a birthday" isn't that so cute? So far so good, last year we were in North Carolina and went to the zoo and I remember him making a big deal about me needing to be in North Carolina for Ty's birthday (I think he still holds some resentment of being left on his birthday one year while his parents went to Hawaii. I hear that story all the time through clinched teeth) Anyway it was such an awesome party. Several people who told me months ago that they would be there for it decided just not to show up  and didn't even bother telling me that other more important family events had come up that they would rather have gone to but I digress even without the 7 or so people who said they would be there we still had a great time! Now on to the party...

This was the 1st present of they day. Oma walked in with it, Ty saw it and he had to open it right then. There wasn't really a present opening section of the party as Ty just opened them as he saw them arrive. Hey it was his party I figured I would let him do what he wanted to. 

I made paper lantern and balloon chandeliers and hung them all over the kitchen ceiling. Thank you Pinterest for these good (and cheap) ideas. I loved how they looked and I saved the lantern ones to hang in Ty's room because the color scheme of the party just happens to be the same colors in Ty's Lightning McQueen bed set. 

More paper lanterns that I strung together ala 70's beaded curtain style and made them look like apples you know for the Big Apple, NYC.

I used pictures that I had taken while we were in New York City this Christmas for some other decor. I blew them up to 8x10s (except for this one, this was from the Empire State Building and taken in front of a green screen for silly, gullible tourists like us) I used frames I bought at Dollar Tree and glued on the police cars and fire trucks to give them a little bit more of an NYC touch. 

The main entry of the party. My dad painted and cut the Taxi out of foam board for me. I made traffice lights out of old shoe boxes covered in butcher paper from my mom's school. The collage is on a big canvas that I used mod podge on to make it look like a faux canvas (again, thank you Pinterest). The red 2 is what I used as a prop in Ty's 2 year old pictures and the I heart TY sign is a play on the famous I heart NY shirts that actually inspired this theme. 

Also in the entry way and all along the hall I hung up famous NYC street signs. 

The New York Yankess cake. I love love love this cake and it was so good. HEB did it this year (thank goodness, no more cupcakes and odd looking smashcake of yester year). I got so many compliments on it not that i made it or anything just everyone loved it especially all my Yankees fans friends on FB. 

Here's Ty playing with Elliot (more like bossing him around) with his new Thomas the Train track that he had just got. 

I served all the famous street vendor foods of NYC. Pretzels, hot dogs and of course thin sliced pizza (got it from east side pies and it was soooo good, just like the pie I had in NYC) Patrick made the soft pretzels and the were sooooo good. I made that odd looking cheese sauce to dip the bits in and it was really good too. These pretzels are making me thirsty. 

Of course it wouldn't be a Lauren party without a custom drink. I made authentic sonic cherry limeaids from a recipe I found on, you guessed it, Pinterest, for the kids and I made a drink called a Cherry-Kazi for the adults. The Soup Nazi Cherry Kazi. 

Oh and I also had NYC style cheese cake. I hate cheese cake but apparently everyone else loved it because it went fast. It was so nice this year to not have someone constantly making fun and turning their nose up at all the food I served. Everyone went on and on about how good everything was and how clever it all was. 

Another shot of the cake. HEB drew NYC buildings along the side. I didn't request them but I thought they were a nice touch. 

I loved the favors I did this year. I wrapped up black and white cookies (from Seinfeld) and tied a I heart TY keychain on them with his cute little picture in his Yankees cap. Everyone who I've seen since the party actually has the key chain on their ring, I was very impressed. Oh and the black and white cookis actually came from a bakery in Brooklyn so they were totally authentic. 

Me and Hoss. Here's my custom made shirt for the party which I thought turned out so cute. 

All the food (we got more pizza its just not in the shot) everything really was so yummy 

Here's the birthday boy eating his pizza. 

And here he is opening a Cars bathing suit from Elliot. Isn't his Lacoste shirt so cute? I ordered it from Bloomingdales for the occassion (I had no idea they made Lacoste shirts in such a small size but it matches one that his dad has)

Blowing out the candles. We practiced a lot before the big day how to blow out candles without spiting. Of course Ty got it right after the 2nd try but I wanted to make sure so he wouldn't gross people out. 

The super awesome gift my parent's got Ty a trampoline. He loves bouncing on stuff and as I've previously mentioned all beds in our home are Tempurpedics so he can't bounce on beds (although he does try) a trampoline was the perfect gift for him. I can even zip him up in hi however Ty knows how to do zippers so I can't just zip him up and leave him like I had planned on doing (not really, no need to call CPS on me) 

Here's something funny, Ty spent the 2nd half of his party without pants on and I"m not sure why because I think we all know how I feel about babies without clothes on. 

Here's me being goofy and showing off how big my shorts are from last summer. I've lost a ton of weight but I still insist on wearing these huge shorts that literally do not stay up anymore. Maybe I wear them so I can do this all the time and show off how big they are. 

We all had such a great time, especially the birthday boy. This year's party was a lot more fun because he knew what was going on and he totally enjoyed himself. He entertained all his guests and was the life of the party and center of attention. Ahhh my boy is just like me. 

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