Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I'm so glad last week is over, it was a rough week. Ty was sick then I was mysteriously weird sick that actually led me to believe that I was pregnant (thank the good Lord I'm not, we're not trying, we don't want a baby right now and with my symptoms I was really beginning to think I was and started freaking out) anyway since Ty and I were sick everything that I needed to do was put on hold so basically last week was a wash. I didn't get to start potty training, I didn't get anything done for his party or getting ready for him to start school. Oh well I'm making up for it now, kind of. Yesterday was Mother's Day. It was nice. My dad bought the funniest card for me from Ty which I thought was super sweet and thoughtful (very out of character for my dad) I of course spent it with my mom and Oma and Opa came over and we cooked out. I got a couple of cute pictures to at least document the day. Had I been with Patrick I would have started drinking champagne at 10am, gone out to brunch and then made him take Ty for the day while I went and got a pedicure and massage (that's another ailment I"m faced with right now, a horrible pulled muscle in my neck) since he's not here it was pretty much just like any other weekend. Since it was Mother's Day though I did take a step back and thank God for my healthy, beautiful, smart, sweet, well behaved, obedient child. Really. Ty makes me love being a mother. So here are some pictures from yesterday.

Paris has always been a smiling dog. Many people do not believe this so I finally got a picture of it. She smiles when she's excited and happy to see someone and I love it! There will never be another dog like Paris. 

I still think its hilarious (and knew it was going to happen) that my child is such a hug giving cuddly person when I hate hugs and for anyone to be close to me. Of course with Ty and occasionally Patrick (if I've been drinking) I make the exception and actually enjoy their hugs. 

Ty loves his Grammy! 

And his Oma. Ty is the friendliest most outgoing (without being annoying) little kid. I've had so many compliments recently from some of my old high school friends who don't have kids on how well behaved Ty is. They actually like hanging out with him because of how good he is. He listens well, he's funny and talkative and very mature its kind of like having a little adult around. Hoss was telling someone the other day how she couldn't decide who she thinks is funnier, me or Patrick but that we are the best comedy team and are beyond funny when we're together, with Ty now I think we've become a comedy team of 3 because the boy is just as funny as us. 

And these next pictures are from this morning when we went on our usual morning walk. Nothing special really except that it just rained a ton so I wanted to let Payton swim in the creek. We walked down to the trails and once there I let Ty out to run free. He runs so freaking fast now I can't keep up with him by walking I have to physically jog to catch him. This makes me so happy though, I have a kid who is always on the move, usually outdoors, thin and in shape and watches hardly any TV. That is exactly what I wanted for my child. So far so good. Oh yeah so I'm leaving out the best part of the story of this morning walk. After Payton swam we were all walking back and Payton was off leash as usual (both of my dogs are off leash dogs and so is my kid. I can control my dogs and baby all at once, imagine that) and she took off running through the flowers. She was actually leaping and prancing through the flowers like something you see in a dog food commercial and I was laughing hysterically well until she came back completely covered in sticker burrs. I totally forgot about those damn things and it being the time of year in Texas when they start coming out in full force. When we got home and Ty helped me bathe her, I spent an hour cutting those burrs out of her long fur. I texted Patrick that no less then 3 times everyday these dogs do something that make me want to take them to the pound or use his gun to shoot them but I still love the crap out of them, they're the best and truly part of our family not sure what I'm going to do when they're gone. 

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