Friday, May 4, 2012

Countdown Is On...

Its almost Ty's 2nd birthday. On Monday I will have 2 weeks until my baby is 2 and even less then that until his party. I think I've mentioned before that I'm having a pretty hard time coming to terms with my baby turning 2. How did it happen so fast? I know its inevitable and there's nothing I can do to stop it but anytime I think about it I just want to cry, kind of like when I was turning 30 and every birthday for me here on out.  I finally started buying things and full on planning for the party. I think maybe I was putting all the planning off for as long as I could because I didn't want the day to come but now that its in full swing, I'm so excited because I love planing parties. I'm doing a photo project for one of the decorations (I don't want to give too much away) so I've been going through all Ty's old pictures which is sad and makes me want to have another baby so I have one that small again. Anyway I came across this picture and its funny because me and my sister were just talking about it. It is a picture of the 1st and last time Patrick dressed Ty. I was gone that morning for something and I came home to this. High waisted blue sweatpants with a longhorn onesie and black socks. I don't even know how he came up with outfit and I'm fairly certain that even as a 2 year old Ty would be able to dress himself better. 

I'm not a big curse word person, I prefer insults like dingus and dillweed and of course my favorite idiot (said like Dwight Schrute). When I get mad or something bad happens I either tell "Crap!" or "Balls!" That's actually my favorite one, I say "oh balls" a lot. I assume you can guess where I'm going with this but anyway the other day we were going to a store to get Ty a swimsuit and when we pulled up I realized we were too early and the store wasn't open yet so I said "oh balls." Well my clever little child heard me and immediately started repeating it. He said it over and over again as we waited in the car for the store to open but he soon stopped and I didn't hear him say it anymore. Phew crisis adverted. That was until he was playing in the yard a few days later and he knocked the lid to his sandbox over and I heard it "Oh Balls!" Nice.

These are just some pictures of him from when I took him to a jumpy place. He wanted nothing to do with any of the bounce houses so we sat and ate his $10 cheetos and capri sun  and then went home ($10 because I had to pay $8 for him to play and he wouldn't) 

Oh and he did get new Baby Js. We went to the mall while Patrick was home and they both got new pairs of Jordans. Patrick never wants anything to do with Ty's clothes and shoes except when it comes to him having Jordans so while yes they are expensive for kids shoes, I let him spurge once a year on a pair. 

And here is Ty's new backyard pool. I got it at Target on sale this week. He liked it the first day he had it but I haven't seen him near it since. I'm thinking I will put my swimsuit on and sit my fatass in it and he might be tempted to come in. 

This is the aforementioned swimsuit that we went to buy but were too early. I think its really cute and a little bit gay and I love it. Obviously it won't be the only suit I will buy him (I got 2 that day anyway) but it is my favorite so far and I can't wait to take him to the neighborhood pool. Circle C has 2 now, a new one opened this year and it has a huge kids section with splash pad and slides galore. 

How cute is he here? We had to go down to UT campus to help Emily with some financial aid issues so I knew he had to be cute and in Toms so he wouldn't irritate UT students. Every student we passed said something about how cute he was. A sorrority girl passed and said "he's got to be the cutest little thing I've ever seen" and of course true to his politician like nature Ty pointed then waved to every person we passed. On the elevator a male student said "oh wow little dude I love your shoes, you're so cool" and that my friends is when you know you have a cute kid, when college guys compliment them on their cuteness. 

Walking on campus.

And the party supply buying has begun. This year I remembered to go to the Dollar Tree (everything is a dollar!!) and I got so many things crossed off my list. My parties only look expensive but really they're quite reasonable. Plus I make most of everything myself anyway and this year since my dad is an artist, I'm getting him to paint me a couple of things. I can't wait!! The colors are red, yellow and black with some white thrown in. 

As far as presents, I just found out my uncle (Ty's great uncle) got Ty the thing I wanted most for him on his birthday list (and the most expensive) a leap pad which is like a little ipad for kids that I can buy reading and math games for, I'm so excited about that. 

Also kind of excited for the new bed Ty gets
a race car bed! I got his in black though (much more sleek) and we even got him a Tempurpedic mattress for it too. Oh and here's the bedding

and while yes I am usually totally opposed to anything "character" themed he loves cars and hates sleeping so anything to get him to sleep through the night in his own bed I am up for trying. However this isn't the typical tacky and so cheap the material sticks to the dry skin on your feet character bedding set, its a super nice quilt in pretty colors that match his bed. As for sheets I went for some 1200 thread count plain white ones just in case I ever have to lay in it I'm a total sheet/bedding snob so really when it came to all this, I spared no expense. Plus I just want to sleep through the night, just once, I mean its been over 2 years now when is it going to end?!? Ha he's worth it though, I don't really mind. 

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