Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Project 366- Week 18

April 29- May 5

April 29- Just taking a bath. I love his cute little cheesy smile here. I've figured out that if I use a flash, he will smile for the camera. I guess he needs that indicator to know a picture is being taken. 

 April 30- This was from the morning that we went shopping, showed up too early and the phrase "oh balls" was learned.I let him play for a while outside while we waited on the store to open. 

May 1- For some reason Ty loves going to HEB now to grocery shop which is weird because he's always hated it (he even stays in the cart the whole time now.) I finally figured out its because HEB has this game called "HEBuddy" where the cashier gives him "Buddy Bucks" which he gets to put in this spinning wheel game to win points to save up to use on crap like a 200 point frisbee or ugly lunchbox. He doesn't care about the prizes he likes putting the "money" in and pushing the button to make the wheel stop spinning. Today, he stopped it on the 50 point slot which is huge because it never happens. Big money, no whammies. 

May 2- Me with a cute headband that I found that belongs to Emily. Also got a huge bolt in my tire (again) so I had my dad and Ty change my tire out so I could get the injured tire patched. Ty took that tire iron straight to the lug nuts and immediately tried to get them loosened, the kid remembers everything. 

May 3- I'm sure you know of my unnatural love for and obsession with Solo cups. Really, I love them. Here I figured out a super cute way to use them for Ty's birthday party (not really but wouldn't that be funny?)

May 4- Just hanging out on his trike rocking the wife beater shirt. He's getting good at pedaling and would be so much better if he had any interest in actually riding the trike, he's much more into pushing it and chasing my dogs and/or sister with it.

 May 5- Dinco de Mayo. Had a fun day partying with the Hoss family. He's really taken to beating up and picking on her poor fat baby. Hoss thinks its because Elliot tries too hard to be Ty's friend which makes him come off as desperate I think its because he has the bully fat people gene that he inherited from me. After all, mine and hoss's friendship started because I put a sign on her back stating how fat she was and to laugh at her (I know, horrible but I was a bully I've come to terms with it and I do feel bad)

Isn't he so cute in his pool wear? he did not like his arm floats I got him for this year (he hated the float we used last year too) and I'm beginning to think he just doesn't like the water or swimming which may make me rethink his swim lessons I was signing him up for in June.  Not liking the pool though is going to make for a long hot summer though.

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