Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good Night Irene

Currently as I type this I am holding a very sleepy and very sick little guy. I had to take Ty to the doctor today for the first time ever (well for an illness of course he's been for all his shots) He has a nasty stomach virus that woke him and I up last night with vomitorium everywhere. It was nasty. He's also running a 100 degree fever and had the chills (the chills are what scared me into going to the dr I had no idea why he was shaking and of course immediately thought the worst) anyway we went first thing this morning and while in the waiting room he projectile vomited all over the place. It was gross and embarrassing. But the nice ladies there didn't make a big deal about it and calmly cleaned it up but I felt so bad. Anyway its weird seeing Ty like this since he's never been sick before. He got some anti vomit medicine and should be all better by tomorrow. So I thought I would use this time to get caught up on some picture posting. These were taken at my favorite place in Austin, Town Lake. We took the dogs so they could run and swim with all the other hippie dogs in town and as usual a great time was had by all. The first picture in the series is one of my new favorite shots. When I was doing a little editing in Lightroom, I accidentally turned the picture on its side a little and couldn't figure out how to get it back normal but it ended up turning out really cool so I left it and now it looks like I'm a professional photog, right?  So here's the words to another one of the songs I sing Ty every night, its one of my favorites and he has loved since he was tiny. I remember playing it over and over again when we were driving home from his one month checkup and shots, you know back in the day when Ty screamed every time we went anywhere in the car. 

Foxes sleep in the forest

Lions sleep in their den

Goats sleep on the mountain side

And piggies sleep in pins. 

Irene good night, Irene good night

Good night Irene, Good night Irene

I'll see you in my dreams.

The whale sleeps in the ocean

Zebras sleep on the land

Hippos sleep by the riverside

And camels sleep on sand. 

Irene good night, Irene good night.

Good night Irene, Good night Irene

I'll see you in my dreams.

Good night Irene, Good night Irene. I'll see you in my dreams. 

Get well soon little man! Oh and dear Lord, please don't let me catch it, I DO NOT want a stomach virus. 

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