Thursday, January 19, 2012

Columbia Zoo

So we made it to the zoo today and while it was a little colder then I thought it was going to be Ty was the only kid there for the 1st part of the morning and all of the animals were out. Middle of the winter during the week is the absolute best time to visit a zoo. Ty had such a good time! He definitely liked it better this time than the last time we went to a visit. The zoo wasn't huge but it had all the main animals and they were all super close to the public so Ty actually got to see all the animals this time. 
Our 1st stop was to the kangaroo area. I was amazed you just got to walk right in where they all were. For whatever reason I didn't get any really good pictures but those roos were literally right at our feet. One kept crossing the path right in front of us, back and forth. 

And while I know its hard to look at anything in this picture but the kangaroos keepers wide ass, if you look past that you can see the kangaroo who kept jumping back and forth in front of our exit gate. The keeper just walked up to him and said "get outta here" just like I would our dogs and he hopped away. It was so cute! 

Here were just a couple of monkeys. Ty got so excited to see each one and when he left them he waved bye. 

Here's the gorilla. I love gorillas and I kept waving to him expecting him to wave back to me, they're just so human like. For the most part he ignored us but when we started to walk away he shouted some gorilla noise at us. I think he was saying "hey come back"

I forget what they were looking at here but I think its such a sweet picture. 

Look how close the elephants were! Ty loved them and he kept doing the elephant sound arm for the trunk motion included. 

And while its hard to tell here because of my coat, today when I weighed myself I realized that I lost 5 pounds last week so I have officially returned to my pre-Ty weight or what I weighed when I got pregnant with him. I still want to lose about 20 pounds but this was a huge accomplishment. 

The giraffes kept sticking their long gray tounges out and trying to get to Ty. You can pay to get some food for them but you know us, the no cash carrying DeWildes so my child couldn't feed them. They would stick their tounges through the fence slats and lick the floor and it so reminded me of my crumb bum dogs desperate for food. 

These monkey things cracked Ty up. They were so loud and they swung from branches like they were putting on a show. They also walked tight rope wires, very entertaining. 

I think this may have been Ty's favorite animal exhibit for some reason. He loved the alligators. Maybe because they were right at his eye level. Kind of creepy though. 

He just looks like such a big kid in this picture to me. 

So that's it, our day at the zoo. What a fun day! He fell asleep seconds after being put in his car seat, nice ride home too. 

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