Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lego Gun

First I just wanted to do this split screen of Ty and Andy that I mentioned in my last Project 365 post so anyone who doesn't know what scene I'm talking about you can see just how much he looks like him

Ok now onto my next pictures. Last night Ty and Patrick were playing with his legos last night. My husband can build anything out of anything. I told him to build a gun so not only did he build a gun, he built a fancy machine gun with a clip and sight. Ty thought it was hilarious! They then proceeded to shoot the dogs. 

Patrick brought Ty an empty paint can home from work the other day perhaps in order to replace some of my old make up cases and purses that Ty likes to store stuff in. Ty loved it though and played with it forever. He kept bringing it over to me saying "paint can" so the next day I decided to decorate it just a bit and I made it a carrying case for all of Ty's paints and paint supplies. 

Please disregard Ty's full mouth. He was having a snack of apple slices and he decided that he needed to stuff 3 of them in his mouth at once. 

And finally, it is nasty and cold and rainy here today. We got out the old 4 wheeler for the 1st time in a long time and he actually can drive it now. He likes to chase the dogs. I love that Ty likes to tease the dogs and laughs while he's doing it. 

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