Friday, January 13, 2012

New Videos

Here are a couple of videos that I have shot recently with my cellphone camera (I used to have a flip camera but it was busted in my suitcase on a flight somewhere and I've yet to buy a new one I do really miss it) I just wanted to post some because I know I write about all the stuff Ty does and a lot of it may sound like I am making it up or at least exaggerating it because he is so smart but I swear I'm not I wouldn't lie on here because later n life when I pull these up, I want to know what he was really doing and when but anyway for anyone who doesn't believe me, here are some vids. Also, I always forget which way I'm supposed to hold my phone when I'm filming so these videos do look retarded because they're all sideways but whatever you'll get the point of them, just turn your head sideways if you need to.
This one was from earlier today. I got animal magnets for him for Christmas and since the new easel came, we now have a place to stick them. We were reviewing every animal and what sound it makes. He picks up the correct one I ask for, says what animal it is and makes the sound that animal does. 

This one is also from this morning. Ty knows shapes and colors but yesterday when I was painting I painted a heart and he said "heart" and patted his chest where his heart is. I have no idea where he learned that from but I thought it was so cute so I got him to do it again today.

Ty doing touch down! during a football game. He actually did after a Tim Tebow touchdown and Patrick was like, did I see that right? So we asked him to do it again and sure enough Patrick's new favorite trick was born. 

These videos are just of my dogs going crazy at a park and Ty laughing at them. He loves those dogs so much and I wanted to put some video of them on here too because I know so many of my family members who look on here love them

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