Monday, January 2, 2012

New York Christmas

 So here it is, our wonderful Christmas in New York. We had such a good time and the only thing that I was really disappointed in was there was no snow. It briefly started snowing while we were at the park our 2nd night there but it was just a tease. It wasn't even that cold, well for upstate New York anyway. I think the highs were in the 40s, global warming I tell ya.  Anyway Patrick and I have been together for 11 years, married for 3 and this is the first time I have been to the city where he grew up! I got to see his house and schools and parks and hangouts. It was actually so cool! He sees where I grew up all the time so this was just exciting for me. Of course everything was smaller then he had remembered except for the trees, they were all so tall now. Ty and I flew into Albany on Thrusday December 22 while Patrick and the dogs drove my car up there. Obviously we both would have flown but you know those dang dogs of ours always causing us trouble.  Here are some of the pictures for Christmas day (you probably already read about our Christmas eve in the city). Oh and one more thing, all the other blogs I read talk about their Christmas traditions, things they do every year the same which made me start thinking about our traditions and how I don't think we have any but that we do things different every year. Is that a tradition? I like to think it is. We do things differently then others and I guess we never know where we're going to be so maybe our Christmas tradition is not having any? Anywhoodle here's our Christmas.

Here were the gifts before they were torn open. I loved the stockings grandma got for the dogs, I took them with us and will definitely be using them next year. Wait there's a tradition, Holla!

Ty Surveying all the gifts. He had a pre present opening session the day we got there and every gift he opened, he would hold up for me to see and say "ooooh"  I think the thing I will miss most about Christmas is driving past houses with lights up and everyone we would pass Ty would say "ooooh pretty" in his sweet little just starting to talk voice. 

Ty loved opening gifts so he helped everyone else open theirs. 

Grandma's new laptop

Bears played the Packers on Christmas night. When we got home from NYC we discovered our dogs wearing Packers collars that grandma had made them. 

Christmas breakfast, cinnamon rolls. Look at the sleepy little face, so cute

Helping dad make bacon.

King Ty

The after Christmas mess. I put this quote on the back of my Christmas cards this year 
"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day.  Don't clean it up too quickly."  
~Andy Rooney
This picture is perfect for that quote, I just love it. 

Christmas day the girls had matching Christmas bandanas. Sam had one too but ask me hard it is to get a picture of 3 dogs sitting still together. Yeah its pretty much impossible. 

We went over and met Pat's best friend from high school's family. Gary and Jenn. They've always been so nice and generous to Ty buying him Bears and Yankees stuff . I dressed Ty in his Christmas finest and we went over and met them and their 2 little boys (Jenn is pregnant with her 3rd boy now) it was fun and they were so nice, aside from Gary's dirty mouth I would have never guessed they were from New York. Ha!

Our official family Christmas picture for the year. I'm wearing the same dress I did last year. Yikes! Note to self, buy new Christmas dress next year!!

Ty loved this snowman thing that sand and danced, he played with it the whole time we were there. 

Gary and Jenn got Ty a new dump truck on Christmas (and some Yankee pajamas, score!) Here's my sweet boy playing with it right before bed, Christmas night. 

Grandma's pretty tree which I loved, it looked a lot like my department store tree I was impressed. Also I should not walking into grandmas house was like a Christmas wonderland, she even had Christmas curtains up!! There wasn't a surface in her house that didn't have Christmas decor on it, it was awesome!

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