Saturday, January 21, 2012

Project 365- Week 3

January 15- I know I already posted this picture but its the only one I got on this day. Ty walking Payton at the park.

January 16- This is at the park where I let my dogs run off leash because its fenced in. Payton jumped this wall from a standing still position, no running start. This is the dog who acts like she can't jump into my car without help (even though all it takes is a quick kick to the butt to get her in)  and the same dog who almost daily fakes a limp when Patrick walks in from work just to get attention. Just wanted to document what she can actually do.

January 17- I posted this pic already too. Its Ty saying "brrrr: after a big gust of wind on a 70 degree day.

January 18- I took this picture on a hike through the woods. I think he looks exactly like Andy Dufresne (Dufrane) from Shawshank Redemption after he finally breaks free into the rainy night. Ty was looking at an airplane and acting like one. 

January 19- At the zoo. I'm still amazed at how close we were able to get to all the animals.

January 20- Ty loves painting but I think he may like cleaning up after painting even more since I stupidly allowed him the first time to sit in the sink to get clean and help wash the brushes. Ty has always loved sitting in the sink ever since my dad let him do it to help him wash dishes. I never let him do it unless he paints now I think Ty wants to paint so he can sit in the sink.

January 21- Ty and I snuck into the Marriot hotel to eat their free breakfast today. We've stayed here twice since we came to Aiken and they have the best free breakfast. Is it so wrong that I just wanted to make and eat my own waffle this morning? Me and Ty had a good time. He was even well behaved and sat still through the meal as if he knew we weren't supposed to be there and didn't want to draw attention to us. 

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