Monday, January 23, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Ok so we are going on like the 4th straight rainy, nasty day here in South Carolina. I am not sure how much more I can take. I have a child who would live outside if he could so to have to keep him indoors all day is torture to but he and I. We have been so bored! It may be easier if I were a mom who allowed a lot of TV watching but I don't. Ty gets an hour of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse a day which amounts to about 3 full episodes. Anything longer and I feel an extreme pang of guilt as though I am failing my child in some weird way. I know that TV won't ruin him or anything but when I see him just sitting there, zoning out I just want to run and switch it off and pull out his alphabet flashcards. It also doesn't help that we currently live in a town that has absolutely nothing to do indoors. At least in Kentucky, I could take him to open gym at gymboree and let him play. That's the other thing about TV, it expends none of his energy and Ty as a 20 month old little boy, has a lot! At least today though we did get to get out because Ty had a Valentine's Day photo shoot. I think I've probably mentioned how much I loathe that "holiday" but in an effort to try and like it more I thought getting a cute outfit and sending out some cute cards might help me to enjoy it a little more. Plus I've become friends with the local photographer so I got a really good deal on the pictures. Here are some of the pictures I got of him this morning with my camera phone, he was just too cute not to share. The pictures were taken in her indoor studio with some cute little props and I really can't wait to see them. Ty did really well in following commands and hamming it up for the camera. He posed and smiled as though he were a professional model. I can hardly ever get him to look at or smile at my camera when I have it out (see exhibits 1-4 below) so when he cooperated this morning, I was shocked and very pleased. I can't wait to see how they turn out and of course I will share them as soon as I get them. Oh and he does have on suspenders. I got the tie shirt and suspenders from Etsy for only $15. I added the white shirt underneath and I think he looks adorable! I am also very surprised that he wasn't bothered by those suspenders, he didn't pull at them or try to take them off once. He made me so proud!

This was his smile for me when I told him to say cheese. I can still remember the days when he was a baby and would smile so perfectly every time I took my camera out now he gives me this goofy smile like "take the picture and get out of my face, mama."

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