Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Eve

And its only January 5. I did get happy new yeared today at the park but I think its still close enough to New Years to still say it. Plus she was a nice old lady who was more interested in watching me walk my 2 huge dogs and baby who at this point of the walk was out of his stroller and over by a tree putting rocks in his newly discovered pockets. So New Years Eve was a ton of fun it started off early because my husband bought this

I felt I had no choice but to start drinking early as to not wast any of it. After we returned from the park (see pictures from last post) I popped the bubbly and broke out the New Years Eve crowns to start the picture taking festivities

Haha yes that is a lottery ticket in my child's hand. 

After I busted out the tiaras it as time to play with all the confetti poppers and streamers.  Since we have a second story in this town home we’re staying in here Patrick thought it would be fun to throw confetti and streamers over the balcony, balloon drop style and if you know me at all you know that I love me a good balloon drop. Well after the confetti Patrick felt Ty needed a more grand celebration to take him into the new year so he decided to throw over all the balls from Ty’s ball pit. You can see in the pictures that I immediately went into mom mode and tried to protect Ty from the falling balls.

Super glamorous NYE outfit for me huh? 

After the ball drop, we headed outside to do sparklers. Thanks to my husband’s odd love of fireworks we always (yes always) have sparklers and M-80s in our home and Patrick’s truck (apparently he likes to set them off on ladders at work when guys are up on them to scare them, yeah I thought it sounded super safe too). Apparently his love of fireworks goes back to his childhood I even recently found out one time he was pulled over and got a ticket for illegal fireworks in New York luckily for him we’re in South Carolina where they sell them year round (cue banjo music from Deliverance here). You can see in these pictures how much fun Patrick was having with the fireworks. Ty really liked them and I promise the pictures make him look a lot closer to the flames then he actually was. Also Patrick set a small fire and was so excited about it. I had to yell at him to put it out as it got a little too close to our neighbor’s door.

Then after Ty went to bed Patrick and I stayed up to watch the New Year be rung in by Ryan Seacrest in Times Square. Which made me miss New York and want to live there and then I started trying to think of jobs that we could do to be able to afford to live in New York City because after being forced to live in a small town I’ve realized that I would take a small house in a big city over a big house in a small town any day. Oh and then I reminded Patrick that our adorable child has been officially been accepted to 3 different modeling agencies in The City but I wasn’t sure how much we could actually make off of him. Just some big dreaming due to the champagne and the inspirational feeling of NYE…
Anyway this was our New Years Eve. Patrick and I used to always go out for New Years Eve, even all the way to a Tara Reid hosted party in Chicago one year (yeah that sentence made me laugh too) and I always said to him “promise me that we will never be that couple that stays n for NYE, even when we’re old and have kids.” Its funny because this New Years Eve was the best one I ever had, sorry Tara.
From the Tara Reid Party

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