Friday, January 13, 2012

Getting Our Art On

So after nap yesterday we busted out the paints. I should preface this with I hate dirty kids, it makes me nervous especially when its my own. I think I'm most concerned about his clothes being ruined but I'm getting better. I realize he's a boy and the messes are just going to get worse so I'm trying to slowly get better. I hate denying him of doing fun stuff just because I don't want him to mess up his outfit. The other day I even let him jump in puddles and slide down a mud hill. After I saw what it did to his poor sneakers I went that afternoon to Target to pick up some rain boots because who am I to never let my kid play in the rain that's just not fair that's life and that's how he learns, right? The pants or shirt he may ruin were only going to fit him a few months anyway. Ok so on to the art show. Oh and I need to add that Ty LOVES painting! He painted for almost 2 hours yesterday and look at some of the pictures you can see him standing on a DeWalt Drill box he has to use it to be able to reach the top. The age on the easel said 3 and up he's tall but not that tall I just think he looks cute standing on his little ghetto step stool.

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