Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Day, Another Park

Here is Ty at another park. At this one he met a little girl who he played with the whole time. She was 7 and she kept saying how cute he was. Ty and his older women. It was hot and humid but we stayed and played for quite sometime. Then we came home, took a nap and then went to the pool. I like it here but yesterday was hard, I just had a bad day. I miss my car and I miss having breaks from taking care of Ty. I mean I get that Patrick works hard and is tired and he lets me stay at home with Ty and I'm thankful for that. However since we've been here I haven't had a single minute break from Ty. Patrick NEVER plays with him, ever and add to that I have no car to take us somewhere sometimes it just gets hard. He doesn't even bathe him or walk him in his stroller, nothing.  I was so close to buying our plane ticket back to Austin yesterday but then we would miss Patrick;s parents visit, again and I'm fairly certain that wouldn't go over very well.
Oh well its almost over, if I can survive 2 months with no help with Ty and no car I can survive anything.
Anyway here are some pictures of Ty at the park. He thought he could climb the rock wall like the little girl. He got surprisingly close to doing so.

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