Ty got new shoes. He got some baby Nike Jordan sneakers also known as Baby J's to the ghetto crowd (Patrick called them that and it made me laugh at the ghettoness) I mean don't get me wrong they're cute and I do like them but they're not really my style. I much prefer the Toms boat shoes I got him and the driving loafers I just ordered from Gap. However, Patrick has been excited about buying the baby Jordans since I found out I was pregnant with a boy so I broke down and let him pick some out. When we first put them on Ty he did not like them at all. It was a lot more shoe then he was sued to plus I think he inherited my severe hatred for socks. They look a little Frankenstein-ish but cute never-the-less. And of course my smartie pants can already almost run in them. My only issue is finding outfits to go with them. Ty's style is so preppy so a lot of his outfits don't match with them. Patrick would have you believe that Jordan's go with everything but this is not the case for mama. All I can think to put with them are sports related attire and outfits that may be perceived as ghetto. (a little picture overload but I just liked so many I couldn't discriminate)

This pictures cracks me up a little and makes me cry a little. He looks like such a big boy here! A kid not a baby.
He loves sticks!
Look at the attitude in this shot! I think he looks so much like me.
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