Friday, June 17, 2011

Ty's First Photo Shoot

Ty had his first photo shoot yesterday and it was totally by accident. We were at the park and there was an editor of a local magazine there taking pictures of the park. Well, she took one look at Ty and had to have him in her shots for her spread in the magazine.  We exchanged information and I'm still waiting on her to send me the pictures but I signed the releases and gave her permission to use Ty's shots. SHe asked if he would be available next month for more. Sadly we won't be here but its good to know that people want him in their pics (besides just me). Anyway here are my pictures from the same day. He is wearing an outfit from Walmart. The first time I have ever bought an outfit from Walmart and of course its the day that he makes his big break into print. Now I must point out that I was not the first one to realize this nor was I upset as Patrick who as soon as I told him Ty's pictures were taken, the first thing he said was "but he has that Walmart outfit on." Yes this coming from the man who my entire pregnancy bugged me to only buy clothes from Target or Walmart.

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