Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Myrtle Beach

We took our very first vacation as a family last weekend to Myrtle Beach and it was so much fun!! Uncle Mike had a super nice room for us totally free, right on the beach and I mean right on the beach. It was such a cool resort. Here's the view from our room on the 14th floor.

My mom and dad had come to visit us here in North Carolina on Tuesday so they drove down to the Beach and spent a couple of hours there. It was fun but I wish my mom could have stayed longer! Oh and I should mention that Ty did great on the 2 and a half hour car ride. He slept most of the way there even with my father having issues controlling the volume of his voice. Patrick came later that day after work and met us there. I think the best time I had there the whole time was that night after we fed Ty, we went down to the beach and stopped off first at the bar for a cocktail. I sat on the beach with the cool sea breeze enjoying my drink as Patrick chased Ty around. It doesn’t get much better then that. I love my family.

The next day Ty and I went to the beach early before it was too hot or too crowded. It was fun but very difficult. Trying to take a baby and all the gear you need for the beach then trying to watch a very mobile baby run around near water is not as easy as it seems. I will be like those teen moms on 16 and Pregnant and say “it was a lot harder then I thought it was going to be.” Um duh. It was worth it though because Ty had a lot of fun. After the beach we made a quick stop at one of the baby pools to wash off all the sand like a bunch of p dubs.

Oh and I should also mention that Ty would illicit crowds of women everywhere we went because of his cuteness.  There are few things in this world cuter then my child wearing his beachwear. He was to die for!!

After that we met back up with Patrick and went to a touristy place with a lot of shops called Barefoot Landing (I think) and we had a yummy lunch. Ty leaked through his pants and I didn’t realize it was as bad as it was until I started taking pictures of him. So we went back to the room changed Ty and tried to get him to nap, which he would not but hey we were on vacation so I didn’t care. We went out to eat with Mike and had sushi. It was the only time we got to spend with Mike so that was kind of disappointing but its ok since we’re going back July 4th.

After dinner we went back to the beach to try and recapture the magic of the night before but it didn’t quite happen that way since we had a pretty tired baby but I needed more pictures so we stayed down there long enough to get a few good ones.

I love the beach!!

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