Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shag Nasty

We got Mr. Shag Nasty a haircut yesterday since his hair was getting long (at least according to me and Patrick who thank the Lord loves super short hair on boys like I do). It was his 2nd haircut ever and he did excellent. Like the first time he sat perfectly still and had a crowd of stylists form around him because never had they seen a baby sit so still to get a hair cut. We have such a well behaved child. Before he was born a huge fear of mine was that I would do something wrong and raise a brat like Sarabeth's kid. However, we were at an advantage, Patrick and I, because we love each other and we never ever fight. We respect each other and talk to each other with respect. We are both very laid back people for the most part  and I now see how that is reflected in our child. I am just such a proud mama. Now here's hoping he stays this way forever.

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