Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Not too much going on lately. Its hot but thankfully not as hot as it is in Texas. We go to the park almost everyday now to get Ty to burn off some energy. It appears to be working as his afternoon naps are now almost 3 hours!! Today we went to our park off Main Street. We walked to get coffee and Ty got a blueberry muffin. Then we played for almost 2 hours before it started to get too hot.

Ty discovered the railing on the steps today. He realized he could hold onto it and be able to climb up and down the steps like a big person. He did so well and I'm pretty sure he did it at least 30 times.

Something funny that he does now is he likes to drag things behind him. Last night it was my shoe by its lace and this morning it was a pair of Patrick's jogging pants that had a drawstring. I'm not sure why he does it but he just makes laps around the apartment dragging it behind him. I'm hoping it translates to walking the dogs and he can take them out to potty now when they need to go.

Oh and one more funny story I forgot about from the beach. Ty is getting pretty tan. We live outside. Well if you will refer back to earlier photos of him from say when we were spending the winter in Kentucky you will see that I gave birth to one of the whitest irish babies ever. When we were on the elevator at our hotel going down to the beach a woman riding with us said “oh look at him, he’s got that pretty olive skin. Just beautiful” Hahaha I’ve seen few people with whiter skin then my child so for someone to say he had olive skin just made me giggle. At least he tans well (he can thank me and not his irish, freckly dad for that)

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