Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

So we started out our Independence day by trying to get a good shot of Ty in his 4th outfit to send to Grammy for her birthday. It took both Patrick and I to get this shot but we got it and I think its so cute. I loved his little shirt. I decided to go "cool" instead of "cute" since for all the past holidays I've had cutesy (read babyish) shirts made for him with his name.  Time to just be cool. I like to call this look "The United States of Rock"

Here is dad fastening Ty's flag on to his stroller. I got a 2 pack at the Family Dollar (my first time ever in that nasty store) for only $2.50.

Ty walking around by dad's truck waiting to start our very long walk to the parade route. 

After we finally made it to our spot we set up our chairs. We only have 2 chairs and Ty's strollers but Ty had to sit in a chair and guess who was left standing, as usual.  We parked in the wrong spot and ended up having to walk past the entire parade lineup to get to the route that we were supposed to sit on. Near the end of the walk we really had to haul ass because the bands were starting up and we were very nearly stuck being part of the parade. 

 Me and Ty playing across the street right before the parade started. Ty loves traffic cones and those stupid little flags that irrigation companies use to mark sprinklers. (drives me crazy!!)

My favorite picture of the day by far. I just think it looks like it should be in a calendar or magazine or something. There's just something about it that is so sweet and innocent and proud American-ish.

I love 4th of July in a small town. This parade was so cute. I was in a parade once with my go cart that I  decorated and it is still one of my best 4ths ever. I always think about it every year around this time and I really want that for my kids too. I can't wait for them to decorate their bikes and participate in a neighborhood parade. 

Ty wasn't sure what to think about the parade at first. It was kind of loud and different. He loves waving but it took several minutes before he started waving to everyone. 

And here we are with the donkey that just happened to stop in front of us when the parade got backed up. I love donkeys so I ran over for Ty to see him. I had no idea that the donkey would lick and try to eat Ty's had. He didn't cry but it took us both by surprise. Silly donkey. 

Anyway we had a great 4th of July even though the fireworks show was rained out. I think Ty will appreciate the fireworks more next year anyway. Let Freedom Ring.

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