Monday, July 25, 2011

More Phone Pictures

I don't have my fancy camera and oh how I miss it so. Especially since I've been in Austin and have been doing super fun stuff where great pictures could have been taken. So needless to say I have been taking a lot more phone pictures lately so here they are...

Walking the dogs down at Town Lake. Ty loves walking them now (he got a taste for it with little Sam). Luckily my dogs, even though they're big, are actually quite good at walking slowly with him and not pulling him over. However it has become quite annoying though because all he ever wants to do is walk them, no matter where we are walking the dogs is always funner. 

Here we are at that splash pad/ fountain thing. 

The girls were lucky enough to get to come today to the fountain. Payton braved walking out there but ran off quick as soon as she was sprayed up the butt with a fountain. Hehehe

At the Austin Children's museum where Ty had the best time. My only complaints were that it was way too crowded (we went on a Saturday afternoon hello!) and there was no bar. Why are there never bars at the childrens places. If you ask me, those are the places that need them most. 

Just a cute picture I took of Ty on my bed at parents house after he got dressed. 

Ty's nightly sherbert ice cream cone. The boy loves him some orange sherbert. 

We went back to the fountains again today actually and they were shut off for maintenance. Boo!

So we went over to the splash pad around the corner at Pease Park. Last time we came by here it was shut off. That time Ty was dressed appropriately in a swimsuit and swim shoes. Today since we hadn't planned on coming here he looked like the PWT kid whos mom couldn't afford a bathing suit. 

And not only does he not have a bathing suit on like every other kid here, the bottom of his one piece romper isn't buttoned so it looks like hes got on a dress. 

But as you can see, Ty the toy taker, couldn't care less about how he looked and had a dang good time. 

And this picture I found online and I laugh so hard I cry every time I see it. It totally reminds me of something my mom would have tried to make when we were kids and how they would have turned out. 

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