Friday, July 22, 2011

The Dewildes Visit Southern Pines

Patrick's parents came and visited us our last week in North Carolina. We had such a nice time with them and here's why, they took Ty everyday and entertained him for hours and hours at the park or the pool or Walmart and I got to hang out at home, alone just sitting and relaxing. Then they'd bring him back and take us out to eat. A very successful visit.  They brought their little dog Sam and Ty LOVED her. He was seriously drunk with power when we would let him walk her because he was so much bigger then her (unlike our dogs) and  he was in control of someone for once. The last day they were here though I didn't see Sam because Betty said she had jumped off the bed and landed wrong and was limping. I suspect she was just covering up for Ty because he really beat the hell out of that poor dog. He would wake up every morning and the first thing he would say was "Sam?"

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